- 5 -To add channels to the Added Channels list, follow these steps:1. Select one or more channels in the All Channels list using the▲/▼ buttons and the Yellow Select button on your remote.2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote. The Tools menuappears.3. Select Add in the Tools menu, and then press the ENTEREbutton.✎ All deleted channels will be shown on the All Channels list.You add channels back to the Added Channels list on theAll Channels list.✎ A gray-colored channel indicates the channel has beendeleted from the Added Channels list.✎ The Add menu option only appears for deleted channels.■■ Add to Favorite/Delete from Favorite: Lets you add channelsto and delete channels from your Favorites list.To add channels to the Favorites list, follow these steps:1. Select one or more channels in the All Channels list using the▲/▼ buttons and the Yellow Select button on your remote.2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote. The Tools menuappears.3. Select Add to Favorite in the Tools menu, and then press theENTERE button.To delete channels from the Favorites list, follow these steps:1. Select one or more channels in the Favorite Channels listusing the ▲/▼ buttons and the Yellow Select button on yourremote.2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote. The Tools menuappears.3. Select Delete from Favorite in the Tools menu, and thenpress the ENTERE button.■■ Timer Viewing: You can schedule a channel to be displayedautomatically at a set time, even when you are watching anotherchannel. You must set the current time first in the Time > Clockfunction to use Time Viewing.To schedule a channel, follow these steps:1. Select a channel in the Added Channels list using the ▲/▼buttons and the Yellow Select button on your remote.2. Press the TOOLS button on your remote. The Tools menuappears.3. Select Time Viewing in the Tools menu, and then press theENTERE button. The Time Viewing screen appears.Antenna Channel Repeat▲DTV Air 6-1 Once▼L Move U Adjust E Enter R ReturnTimer ViewingDate Start Time01-01-2012 12 : 01 am4. Use the ◄/► buttons to move from entry field to entry fieldand the ▲/▼ buttons to change the entries. Where numbersare displayed, you can also enter numbers directly using thenumber keypad on your remote.✎ If you select Everyday or Every Week, the date youselect in the Date field becomes the start date for yourscheduled viewing. For Everyday, the TV will turn onevery day, at the time you selected, starting from thatdate. For Everyweek, the TV will turn on every week,on the same day of the week as the start date youselected, at the time you selected, from that day on. Ifyou select Once, the TV will turn on once, on the dateand time you selected.5. Press the ENTERE button on your remote when done.✎ Only Added Channels can be scheduled.✎ Scheduled programs and channels are displayed in theProgrammed List.✎ When you select a digital channel, press the ► button toview the digital program list. If you highlight a program inthe list, and then press the ENTERE(Schedule) button,you set Timer Viewing for that program directly.■■ Select All: Select all the channels in the displayed channel list.■■ Deselect All: Deselect all the selected displayed channels.✎ You can only select Deselect All when one or morechannels are selected.■■ Channel Name Edit: Analog channels only. Lets you assign aname of up to five characters to an analog channel. For example,Hist, Food, Golf, etc. This makes it easier to find and select achannel .■■ Auto Program: See Auto Program under Memorizing Channels.Programmed List (on the Channel List Screen)The Programmed list displays the channels and programs youhave scheduled for viewing using the Time Viewing function. Youcan view, modify, or delete a show you have scheduled using thefunctions on the Programmed List screen Tools menu.Programmed List Screen Tools Menu t■■ Change Info: Change the scheduling information for a show orchannel you have scheduled.To change the information, follow these steps:1. Select the Programmed List icon on the left side of theChannel List screen, and then press the ENTERE button.2. On the Programmed List screen, select the show or channelentry you want to change, and then press the TOOLS button.The Tools Menu appears.3. Select Change Info, and then press the ENTERE button.The Time Viewing screen appears.4. Use the ◄/► buttons to move from entry field to entry fieldand the ▲/▼ buttons to change the entries. Where numbersare displayed, you can also enter numbers directly using thenumber keypad on your remote.5. Press the ENTERE button when done.■■ Cancel Schedules: Cancel a show or channel you havescheduled.To cancel a scheduled show or channel, follow these steps:1. Select the Programmed List icon on the left side of theChannel List screen, and then press the ENTERE button.2. On the Programmed List screen, select the show or channelentry you want to cancel, and then press the TOOLS button.The Tools Menu appears.3. Select Cancel Schedules, and then press the ENTEREbutton. The Cancel Schedule screen appears.4. Select OK, and then press the ENTERE button.