Samsung Electronics3-4Adjustment and Adjustment3. How to adjust Head Switching (HDSWP)1) Connect No. 2 pin of WAFER CNR02 (HEAD-SW signal) for adjustment to CH1 of oscilloscope.2) Connect No. 3 pin of WAFER CNR02 (ENVE-OUT signal) for adjustment to CH2 of oscilloscope.3) Play standard tape.4) Select HDSW of the video adjustment mode.5) Adjust so that the time between HEAD-SW START and G1 START OF ENVE-OUT is 141μs (±10μs).4. Center Value Adjustment of Zoom Switch1) Select ZOOMVR in the video adjustment mode.2) Adjust ZOOM SW so that the switch is put in the middle of T and W.3) Adjust ZOOMVR so that the current value of ZOOM SW is equal to the adjusted ZOOMVR value.(Adjusted value of theZoom SW)G1NO MODE EVR EPR1 ZOOMVR 80H 80HSP PLAY0:00:00:00S64 LOO(Preset value of the Zoom SW)