125Chapter 5.TroubleshootingQ&ATouch screen RelatedQ1 The screen is abnormally displayed when the touchscreen has been rotated.A The screen rotation function may not work properlydepending on the application.To fix the screen orientation, press the Rotation Lockbutton.Q2 The letters on the computer screen overlap.A If the font size is set to large, the letters on the screen mayoverlap.In this case, select Settings > Touch Tuning > DPI Settingsand set the text size to Basic.USB keyboard / Device RelatedQ1 A USB device is not recognized in the BIOS SetupA In the BIOS Setup, select Advanced > Fast BIOS Mode andchange the setting to Off and restart the computer. Thenyou will be able to use the USB device.Q2 I connected a USB keyboard and pressed F2 duringthe booting sequence, but the BIOS Setup screen doesnot appear.A If the Advanced > Fast BIOS Mode item in the BIOS Setupmenu is set to Off, the USB keyboard is not recognized.In this case, you can enter the BIOS Setup using one of thebuttons of the computer.Press the computer's power button. If the Samsung logoscreen appears, press the Home button.The BIOS Setup screen appears.