13CHOOSE YOUR CONNECTIONDigital Signal Compatible External Cables Needed Go toConnections Equipment(Not Supplied) Page161718This DTV is designed to handle several different connec-tions making it compatible with Digital and Analogdevices.In order to receive the best performance from your DTV,choose your connection using this chart; then go to thespecified page for detailed instructions.COMPONENT(Y, Pb, Pr) INWill accept HDTV,EDTV, or SDTV Videocontent.(Requires separateaudio connections.)COMPONENT VIDEOCABLECOMPOSITE VIDEOORS-VIDEO IN192021DIGITAL AUDIOOUT(Only available whenreceived as part of theDigital RF signal dis-played on-screen.)COAXIAL DIGITALCABLE22ANALOG AUDIOOUT JACKS 23AUDIO CABLES-VIDEO CABLEAnalog Signal Compatible External Cables Needed Go toConnections Equipment(Not Supplied) PageCOMPOSITE VIDEOCABLEAV RECEIVERVCRSTEREO AMPLIFIERSYSTEMLEFT / RIGHTANALOG AUDIO INAUDIO CABLEDIGITAL SET-TOP BOXor DVD PLAYERVIDEO GAMEVIDEO GAMEDVD PLAYER