17Need help? www.sanyoctv.com 1-800-877-5032PC INPUTPC SettingAuto Adjustment – Automatically adjusts displayposition, dot clock and phase.Dot Clock – Adjust the Dot frequency to matchyour computer’s Dot frequency.Phase – Adjust this parameter when the pictureappears to flicker or is blurred.H-Position – Move the image horizontallyV-Position – Move the image verticallyPower Saving – Enable the HDTV to turn toStandby Mode when computer is not in use.PC Picture and SoundStandard – Sets predetermined values to thePicture or Sound parameters.Manual – Adjust Contrast, Brightness, and ColorTemperature screen settings, and the Bass andTreble audio settings.NOTE: These settings do not affect normal TV viewing.Laptop DisplayWhen using your Sanyo HDTV to display aLaptop’s screen display, holding down the Fn (orFN) key while pressing the appropriate functionkey (F5, F7, F8, etc) should cycle through differentdisplay modes between the laptop and the HDTV.Modes may include displaying only on the laptopscreen, on both the laptop and the HDTV, ordisplaying only on the HDTV.NOTE: Fn key and function key symbols on the laptop’skeyboard may vary from one brand to another.Hold down and pressBefore connecting any cables, disconnect theAC power cords of both the HDTV and PC fromthe AC outlets.Power on the HDTV and any other peripheralequipment before powering on the computer.To avoid an “Out of Range” condition please setyour PC’s output resolution to one compatible withyour HDTV. See PC Resolution chart on page 3.Use your HDTV as a computer monitor by hookingup your PC or Laptop to the TV with the use of anappropriate monitor cable (not included.)NOTE: If computer has only DVI Output, a DVI to RGBadapter will be required, or, a DVI to HDMI cableand RCA audio cables (see HDMI (DVI) INPUT1 onpage 7.)PC PICTURE AND SOUND SCREENSPC SETTING SCREENPC OR LAPTOPHDTV BACKRGB MonitorcableStereo miniaudio cableSanyo recommends using amonitor cable that includesa Ferrite Core.DVI OUTPUTJACKRGB OUTPUTJACK