-9-AABBBBCCCCCCCCabinet front bottomCabinet front topCabinet frontHookHook(a)(a)MechanicaldisassembliesLamp-ballast-1Panel-ballastLamp-ballast-2AAAAABBB BB BBBBlack colorWhite colorNo mark and clear tube.Black mark and clear tubeor no mark and black tube.Lamp-ballast-1Lamp-ballast-2Figure (a)K7A3K7B3K7B4K7A41. Remove 5 screws A and remove the Panel ballast.2. Remove the connectors. Remove 8 screws B andremove the 2 Lamp ballast assemblies.Note : To connect the connector.Be careful to connecting the connec-tors of the Lamp ballast assemblies.Refer to the figure-(a).Note :Be careful not to damage Hook. Thecabinet-front-bottom is being fixedwith cabinet-front-top by hook.1. Remove 2 screws-A. Push part(a) and pullthe Cabinet-front-bottom down.2. Remove 4 screws B and remove the Cabinetfront top.3. Remove 7 screws C and remove the Cabinetfront.1. Panel ballast and Lamp ballastAssemblies removal.2. Cabinet front bottom, Cabinetfront top and Cabinet frontremoval.