-86-Electrical AdjustmentGrp / No. Item Function Range Initial Note260 Auto Calibration (Common)0 Execute Calibration Execute Calibration when the Value is changed to 1. (For PCWhite 100%) 0 - 1 01 Loop Count Max Times of Calibration 1 - 30 82 Auto Status Calibration Log (Read only)0: Calibration End Correctly 1: On Adjusting 9: Calibration Error 0 / 1 / 9 03 AutoWait Waiting time 1 - 20 34 CHECK - Tolerance Tolerance of Offset 1 - 255 45 Time out wait Wait Time until Time out [sec.] 1 - 255 20100 Route Switch0: Menu1: Input1 - RGB Analog (ADC A)2: Input1 - RGB Analog (ADC B)3: Input2 - Video (ADC A)4: Input2 - Video (ADC B)5: Input2 - YCbCr (ADC A)6: Input2 - YCbCr (ADC B)0 - 6 0261 Auto Calibration (RGB) <10bits>0 OFFSET AREA H START Black Level Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 9751 OFFSET AREA V START Black Level Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5002 GAIN AREA H START White Level Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 253 GAIN AREA V START White Level Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5004 Image AREA H WIDTH Black/White Level Area Width 0 - 4095 135 Image AREA V HEIGHT Black/White Level Area Height 0 - 4095 96 OFFSET Target Black Level Adj target 0 - 1023 07 OFFSET Tolerance Black Level Adj telerance 1 - 1023 18 GAIN Target White Level Adj target 0 - 1023 9429 GAIN Tolerance White Level Adj telerance 1 - 1023 110 Image Level Tolerance Acq. Image Level Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 4262 Auto Calibration (CVBS/SVIDEO) <10bits>0 Y Image Area Start X Y Image Area H Start 0 - 1000 101 Y Image Area Start Y Y Image Area V Start 0 - 1000 2006 Image Area H WIDTH Image Level Acq. Width 0 - 4095 87 Image Area V HEIGHT Image Level Acq. Height 0 - 4095 98 Y Target Level Y Level Adj target 0 - 1023 74511 Gain Tolerance Level Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 112 Image Level Tolerance Acq. Image Level Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 4264 Auto Calibration (YCbCr) <10bits> (YCbCr 1080I)0 Y-OFFSET AREA H START Y - Offset Acq Area H Start 0 - 1000 9251 Y-OFFSET AREA V START Y - Offset Acq Area V Start 0 - 1000 5002 CB - OFFSET AREA H START CB - Offset Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 9253 CB - OFFSET AREA V START CB - Offset Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5004 CR - OFFSET AREA H START CR - Offset Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 9255 CR - OFFSET AREA V START CR - Offset Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5006 Y - GAIN AREA H START Y 0 - 1000 507 Y - GAIN AREA V START 0 - 1000 5008 CB - GAIN AREA H START 0 - 1000 8009 CB - GAIN AREA V START 0 - 1000 50010 CR - GAIN AREA H START 0 - 1000 70011 CR - GAIN AREA V START 0 - 1000 50012 Image AREA H WIDTH YCBCR Level Acq. Width 0 - 4095 1313 Image AREA V HEIGHT YCBCR Level Acq. Height 0 - 4095 914 Y - OFFSET TARGET 0 - 1023 015 CB OFFSET TARGET 0 - 1023 51216 CR OFFSET TARGET 0 - 1023 51217 Y - GAIN TARGET 0 - 1023 87018 CB - GAIN TARGET 0 - 1023 94719 CR - GAIN TARGET 0 - 1023 94720 OFFSET Tolerance OFFSET Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 121 GAIN Tolerance GAIN Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 122 Image Level Tolerance Acq. Image Level Adj Tolerance 1 - 255 4290 Color Matching Target Data0 Target Red - X Target Data Adj for Color Matching Function 0 - 1000 6501 Target Red - Y 0 - 1000 34010 Target Green - X 0 - 1000 34011 Target Green - Y 0 - 1000 62520 Target Blue - X 0 - 1000 15021 Target Blue - Y 0 - 1000 9030 Target White: PC Standard - X 0 - 1000 320