-37-Slot-BScrews-APrism PBSIntegrator-lens-outScrews-BSlot-ABottom sidestripe Integrator-lens-in adjustment-1 Integrator-lens-out adjustment[Adjustment]1. Turn on lamp with FPC cables of LCD panels removed from ass'y main.2. Insert light block sheets in front of the Red and Blue panels to block the redand blue lights so that green light is projected.3. loosen 2 screws A.4. Insert the slot type screwdriver in the slot B and gently turn the screwdriv-er until the screen edge is sharp focus.5. Tighten the 2 screws A to fix the integrator-lens-in.[Before Adjustment]* Move the integrator-lens-out left orr right to project the screen-edge.(Refer to integrator-lens-out adjustment of next step.)[Adjustment]1. Turn on lamp with FPC cables of LCD panels removed from ass'y main.2. Insert light block sheets in front of the Red and Blue panels to block the redand blue lights so that green light is projected.3. If the un-uniform color appears on the left or right of the screen as shownin Figure, loosen 3 screws B with the allen wrench and insert a slot screw-driver into slot A and turn it to make color uniformity.4. Tighten the 3 screws B to fix the integrator lens-out./1672-2/1671-3