-27--26-ASS'Y POWERHot circuitAC-INPUTLAMP BALLAST-ON/OFFPFC-ON/OFFCPU IC801andI / OEXPANDERIC1831 PRESSURESENSORTEMP.SENSORCIRCUITSUB POWERLAMP-MONITORLAMPBALLAST unitsLAMPassembliesPFC unitsSystem ControlINTERLOCK SWFUSESW902F901DC outTEMP.SENSORWARNINGTEMP.READYTEMP. SWTHERMAL-Switchesfor LAMP assembliesTEMP. SWRL-12V+BPOWER-FAILPOWER-ON/OFFIIC-SCL & SDAACDC outI / OEXPANDERPOWERCONTROL SWITCHINDICATORSFANON/OFFFANSFANSPOWER-FAILCONTROLLAMPREPLACELAMPTEMP.SENSORRESETSWITCHHAND OPERATED RESETfor CPU SW3801FOR FAN CONTROLIC5801ABNORMAL TEMP. DETECTIC2541FOR FAN CONTROLIC886ABNORMAL TEMP. DETECTPTH901The PTH901 does not existin some particular models.AlwaysSwitched16V /9V /6.25V /-6VIIC-SCL & SDAIIC-SCL & SDARESETTEMP. SENSORPRESSURE SENSORNOTE :■ The lamp emits light through arc discharge. To initiate arc discharge, dielectric breakdown mustoccur between the lamp electrodes. The high-voltage pulse generator generates and applies high-voltage pulses with peak values of about 20kV between the lamp electrodes in order to generateglow discharge. This in turn results in dielectric breakdown between the electrodes, causing a shiftfrom glow discharge to arc discharge.■ After projector turned on, 30 seconds are required until the light output stabilizes. After the projectoris turned off, the cooling fan operates for 90 seconds to cool down the lamp and reduce gas pres-sure inside the lamp. During this "cooling down" period, the projector cannot be turned on.NOTE :■ The lamp-ballast-unit controls the power supplyto the lamp to maintain and stabilize the arc dis-charge, keeping illumination at a constant level.■ If the lamp does not light or is extinguished sud-denly, the "Hi" signal is fed to I/O expander andCPU. (Lamp monitor signal)CPU : ---- Lamp monitor operation.----■ CPU performs an input check by the lamp monitor pin.■ When the "H" signal continues 1 second or more continu-ously, CPU judges the state to be abnormal.■ When it has detected abnormal condition, CPU turns off aprojector compulsorily. And CPU sets up the cooling time for90 seconds.■ The projector cannot be turned on during a cooling time.NOTE :■ The ready (green) LED indicates lamp monitoroperation as follows:LED off: Lamp is being cooled.LED on: Lamp is being lit or already cooled down.Isn't the lamp cover of a projec-tor removed?When it is removed, the projectorcannot be turned on.Is the lamp cover attached correctly?And has not the boss(Inner side of thelamp cover) broken?Check the boss and the Interlock switch(SW902).SW902 -- open : AbnormalityRefer to next pageCHECK !CHECK !CHECK !LAMP ABNORMALITY -1Troubleshooting