-52-1 OE EXP_RST2 O0 SCONFIG Single to Dual converter Enhancer CONFIG Signal O3 D0 Data Bus 04 D1 Data Bus 15 O1 IP_RESET IP_RESET O6 O2 PROGRAM PROGRAM O7 D2 Data Bus 28 D3 Data Bus 39 O3 USB_BRST USB on-off O10 GND GND11 CP12 O4 BUS_SW1 BUS Select SW1 O13 D4 Data Bus 414 D5 Data Bus 515 O5 BUS_SW2 BUS Select SW2 O16 O6 BUS_SW3 BUS Select SW3 O17 D6 Data Bus 618 Çc7 Data Bus 719 O7 SSTB Single to Dual converter Enhancer STB Signal O20 Vcc +5VPin No. Name Function Name Function Polarity I/OOutput Expander Control port functions (IC1822 20 pin)CPU and I/O-Expander Control port functions1 SO S0 Serial Data Output O2 SCL IIC BUS SCL I3 SDA IIC BUS SDA I/O4 D0 M-IDA1 Slot 1 Type Detection 1 I5 D1 M-IDA2 Slot 2 Type Detection 1 I6 D2 M-IDA3 Slot 3 Type Detection 1 I7 D3 M-IDA4 Slot 4 Type Detection 1 I8 Vss GND -9 D4 M-IDB1 Slot 1 Type Detection 2 I10 D5 M-IDB2 Slot 2 Type Detection 2 I11 D6 M-IDB3 Slot 3 Type Detection 2 I12 D7 M-IDB4 Slot 4 Type Detection 2 I13 Vdd 5V ±10% -14 CS2 CS2 I15 CS1 CS1 I16 CS0 CS0 IPin No. Name Function Name Function Polarity I/OI/O Expander Control port functions (IC9021 16 pin)1 SO S0 Serial Data Output O2 SCL IIC BUS SCL I3 SDA IIC BUS SDA I/O4 D0 M-IDC1 Slot 1 Type Detection 3 I5 D1 M-IDC2 Slot 2 Type Detection 3 I6 D2 M-IDC3 Slot 3 Type Detection 3 I7 D3 M-IDC4 Slot 4 Type Detection 3 I8 Vss GNDÅ -9 D4 SLOT1 ID SLOT1 ID I10 D5 SLOT2 ID SLOT2 ID I11 D6 SLOT3 ID SLOT3 ID I12 D7 SLOT4 ID SLOT4 ID I13 VDD 5V ±10% -14 CS2 CS2 I15 CS1 CS1 I16 CS0 CS0 IPin No. Name Function Name Function Polarity I/OI/O Expander Control port functions (IC9022 16 pin)