PLC-XK2200 /2600 /XK3010 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications26 / 738.6 Input Control Command8.6.1 CF_INPUT CommandCommand “CF_INPUT_%1”[CR]%1“CONPUTER1” ----- Select Computer1 Input“COMPUTER2” ----- Select Computer2 Input“VIDEO” -------------- Select Video Input“UP” --------------- The same operation as pressing Up key or Left key“DN” ----------------The same operation as pressing Down key or Right keyDetailsSelect InputThe same operation as “INPUT” button of the projector and Remote Control.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Projector returns “101” by selecting Computer 2 while Monitor out is selected inTerminal menu.Acceptable “000”[CR]ResponseUnacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.6.2 CF_SOURCE CommandCommand “CF_SOURCE_%1”[CR]Input isComputer 1“ANALOG” ------- Select Analog Input“YPBPR” ---------- Select Component Input“S VIDEO” ------ Select S-Video Input“SCART” ----------- Select Scart Input“UP” ----------------- The same operation as pressing Up key or Leftkey“DN” ------------------The same operation as pressing Down key orRight keyInput isComputer 2“ANALOG” --------- Select Analog Input”UP””DN”Although no operation is executed, projector acceptsparameter ”UP” /”DN”%1Input is Video“VIDEO” ------------- Select Composite Video Input”UP””DN”Although no operation is executed, projector acceptsparameter ”UP” /”DN”DetailsSelect Source of currently selected InputWhen Input specified by %1 is inappropriate for selected Input, the projectorreturns “101” and the command is not executed.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Acceptable “000”[CR]ResponseUnacceptable “Error Code”[CR]