-8-Electrical Adjustments1. Receive the 16-step grey scale composite video sig-nal with Video [Video] mode.. Enter the service mode, select group no. “9” itemno. “7” (Red) or “8” (Blue), and change Data valuesrespectively to make a proper white balance.Confirm that the same white balance is obtained invideo and computer input.⁄3 White Balance adjustment [Video]1. Receive the 16-step grey scale composite video sig-nal with Video [Video] mode.. Enter the service mode.3. Connect an oscilloscope to test point “tPG1” (+)and chassis ground (-).4. Select group no. “9”, item no. “6” and change datavalue to adjust amplitude “a” to be 2.2 ±0.1V.(a)white levelwhite level⁄2 50% White adjustment [Video]If you find the color shading on the screen, pleaseadjust the white uniformity by using the propercomputer and “Color Shading Correction” softwaresupplied separately.The software can be ordered as follows;NotE oN WHItE UNIFoRMItYAdjUStMENtCoLoR SHAdING CoRRECtIoN Ver. 4.00Service Parts No. 645 075 9611