-33-Electrical AdjustmentsItem No. NAME DeviceXGARange DescriptionPC Component VideoHDTV 480p 480i NTSC PAL29 NRG Width L3E7072K0A 11630 OSD (Insert Position) L3E7072K0A 231 OSD (pattern Selection) L3E7072K0A 032 GAMMA(ON/OFF) L3E7072K0A 133 ref_gate_pos(NRS Position) L3E7072K0A 4034 ref_gate_dur(NRS Width) L3E7072K0A 17435 gray_on L3E7072K0A 736 Other Correction L3E7072K0A 037 Whole Area Crosstalk Corr. EN L3E7072K0A 038 DC Offset Corr. for V-line Shade E L3E7072K0A 039 Offset Corr. For V-line Shade EN L3E7072K0A Normal:0/Rear:140 V-Line Shade BLSP_EN L3E7072K0A Normal:1/Rear:141 Sequential Ghost Correction EN L3E7072K0A Normal:1/Rear:142 Block Ghost Correction EN L3E7072K0A 043 Reverse Ghost Correction EN L3E7072K0A 044 Back Porch Crosstalk Corr. EN L3E7072K0A 045 R_base_pos L3E7072K0A 4 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together46 G_base_pos L3E7072K0A 447 B_base_pos L3E7072K0A 448 RGB_adjust L3E7072K0A 049 RGB_level L3E7072K0A 050 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [R0] L3E7072K0A 751 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [R1] L3E7072K0A 352 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [R2] L3E7072K0A 153 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [R3] L3E7072K0A 054 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [R4] L3E7072K0A 25355 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [G0] L3E7072K0A 756 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [G1] L3E7072K0A 357 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [G2] L3E7072K0A 158 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [G3] L3E7072K0A 059 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [G4] L3E7072K0A 25360 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [B0] L3E7072K0A 761 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [B1] L3E7072K0A 362 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [B2] L3E7072K0A 163 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [B3] L3E7072K0A 064 V-Line Shade Corr. Set [B4] L3E7072K0A 25365 Ghost_R_pos (Sequence) L3E7072K0A 4 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together66 Ghost_G_pos (Sequence) L3E7072K0A 467 Ghost_B_pos (Sequence) L3E7072K0A 468 Ghost_R_center L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together69 Ghost_R_start L3E7072K0A 12870 Ghost_R_end L3E7072K0A 12871 Ghost_G_center L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together72 Ghost_G_start L3E7072K0A 12873 Ghost_G_end L3E7072K0A 12874 Ghost_B_center L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together75 Ghost_B_start L3E7072K0A 12876 Ghost_B_end L3E7072K0A 12877 R-Block Ghost L3E7072K0A 3 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together78 G-Block Ghost L3E7072K0A 379 B-Block Ghost L3E7072K0A 380 R_base_level (Block) L3E7072K0A 0 Reserved81 G_base_level (Block) L3E7072K0A 0 Reserved82 B_base_level (Block) L3E7072K0A 0 Reserved83 Ghost_R_pos (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 3 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together84 Ghost_G_pos (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 385 Ghost_B_pos (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 386 R_base_level (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 087 G_base_level (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 088 B_base_level (Reverse) L3E7072K0A 089 C_TALK R L3E7072K0A 102290 C_TALK G L3E7072K0A 102291 C_TALK B L3E7072K0A 102292 C_TALK_R_level L3E7072K0A 73093 C_TALK_G_level L3E7072K0A 73094 C_TALK_B_level L3E7072K0A 73095 C_TALK R_CENT L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together96 C_TALK R_START L3E7072K0A 12897 C_TALK R_END L3E7072K0A 12898 C_TALK G_CENT L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together99 C_TALK G_START L3E7072K0A 128100 C_TALK G_END L3E7072K0A 128101 C_TALK B_CENT L3E7072K0A 5 When adjusting G, the value of R and B changes together102 C_TALK B_START L3E7072K0A 128103 C_TALK B_END L3E7072K0A 128104 lccom_correct_select L3E7072K0A 16105 Hori Start L3E7072K0A 268106 Vert Start L3E7072K0A 10107 Hori End L3E7072K0A 1291108 Vert End L3E7072K0A 777