60Factory defaultThis function returns all setting values except for the userlogo, PIN code lock, Logo PIN code lock, lamp counter, andfilter counter to the factory default settings.Exit the Setting Menu.QuitSelect Factory default and thisbox appears. Select [Yes], andthe next box appears.Select [Yes] toactivate it.Factory defaultSettingFilter counterThis function is used to set a time for the filter replacement.Use the Point ed buttons to move the red frame pointer to Filtercounter and then press the SELECT button. A dialog box appearsshowing the Used time option and the Scrolls remaining option.Used Time . . . . . . Show the total accumulated time of thefilter use, timer setting option and the Resetoptions. When the projector reaches a timeset in the timer setting, the Filter replacementicon (Fig. 1) appears on the screen and thetotal accumulated time turns red, indicatingthat the filter replacement is necessary. Ifthe filter is out of scroll and the projectorreaches a time set in the timer setting, Fig.2 appears on the screen, indicating that thefilter cartridge replacement is necessary.Scrolls remaining . . Show the scroll counter and the Resetoptions. When the filter scroll is counteddown to 1 (Scroll counter on the screen isshowing “0 scroll(s)” , the last scroll icon(Fig. 3) appears on the screen. When thefilter scroll is counted down to 0, the Filtercartridge replacement icon (Fig. 4) appearson the screen and the WARNING FILTERindicator lights orange, indicating that thefilter cartridge replacement is necessary.To set a timer, press the SELECT button on Used time option.Move the red arrow pointer to the timer setting option and usethe Point 7 8 buttons to select from (Off/ 400H/700H/1000H)depending on the use environment.When replacing the Filter cartridge, reset the Filter counter and theScroll counter (p.63).Set the red frame pointerto the item and press theSELECT button .Use the Point 7 8 buttonsto set the timer. Select from(Off/ 400H/700H/1000H)depending on the useenvironment✔Note:• Do not reset the Filter counter and the Scroll counter withoutreplacing the Filter cartridge. Be sure to reset the Filter counterand the Scroll counter only after replacing the Filter cartridge.•Timer setting notifies that the filter needs replacement. Toreplace the filter, use the filter control function (p.53).✔Note:• Fig.1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 or Fig. 4 will appear at turningon and selecting input source.• Fig.1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 or Fig. 4 will not appear whenthe Display function is set to “Off” (p.55), or during“Freeze” (p.30).Filter replacement icon appears on the screenat a set time.Fig 1 Filter replacement iconFilter cartridge replacement icon appears onthe screen when the filter scroll is counteddown to 0 scroll.Fig 4 Filter cartridge replacement iconLast scroll icon appears on the screen whenthe filter is down to the last scroll.Fig 3 Last scroll iconFig 2