16Menu OperationMTS– This option controls the manner in whichthe sound comes through your speakers. Optionsavailable vary according to the input selected.• Mono (available for regular TV viewingonly) – This option plays the sound inmono only. Use this setting when receivingbroadcasts with weak stereo signals.• Stereo – This option splits the incomingstereo audio signal into left and rightchannels. Most TV programs and recordedmaterials have stereo audio.• Second Audio Program (SAP) – Thisoption plays the program’s audio in asecond language, if available. . SAP audio isbroadcast in mono only. SAP is also usedto broadcast a program’s audio withdescriptions of the video for the visuallyimpaired.Audio Language– Press ◄/► to choose from the listof languages available for the program you’re watching.The language chosen becomes your preferred languagefor all digital channels until you turn the TV off. If thelanguage chosen is not being broadcasted with aprogram, the TV plays the default language for theprogram (usually English in the US).TV MenuWhen you first used your TV you will have setup your TVfor DTV / TV channels using the Initial Setup screens. Ifyou did not do this or if your setup has changed, you cando this from the TV menu.Tuner mode: chooses the type of signal (Cable/Sat orAntenna) depending upon which equipment you haveconnected to the ANT/CABLE/SAT IN.Channel Scan: selects this item and press OK/► tostart channel scan automatically. (Note: If you wish tostop the search, press the CLEAR button.)When you perform a Channel Scan, your TV searchesfor channels with signals and stores the channelinformation in the Channel List. Then, as you watchTV and press CH+ or CH-, your TV goes to the nextor previous channel in the Channel List and skips thechannels that do not have signals.If the TV signal source changes – for example, if youchange from an outdoor antenna to cable TV – you willneed to rescan for channels.Channel Skip: After the TV has stored all of theavailable channels in memory you will find that somechannels will be too weak to watch comfortably or theymay be channels you do not want to see, you can hidethese channels in the channel list.1 press OK/► to open Channel Skip menu.2 use ▲/▼ highlight the channel you wish to skip; thenpress OK to check the highlighted channel. Youcan add the channel back into the Channel List byhighlighting it and un-checking it.Time MenuTime ZoneYou can set the correct Time Zone for your area.To choose a time zone:1. Select Time > Time Zone, then press OK/► to openTime Zone screen2. Press ◄/► to select the time zone for your area.3. Press the MENU button to go back to the previousscreen, or press the CLEAR button to close themenu.Time: press OK/► to open Time screenAuto synchronization: use ◄/► to select Onor Off. If On selected, the TV will get the timeautomatically from DTV signals, and the Time itemcannot be adjusted. If you select Off, you shouldset date and time at Date and Time item. HighlightDate or Time, use ◄/► to select input space,enter the current date or time by using the numberbuttons .Note: if Off selected, the time set in Time optionwill not be memorized when turning on the TV nexttime, and the TV 's time will start from the default.Power on timer: use ◄/► to select Once, Dailyor Off. If you select Once or Daily, you shouldset a time period after which the TV automaticallyswitches to on at Timer below this item. HighlightTimer, use ◄/► to select input space, enter theon time using the number buttons .Power on channel: press OK/► to display itssubmenu. Highlight Select mode, use ◄/► toselect Last status, the power on channel will bethe last channel you watched before powered off.Or you can select User select, then press ▲/▼ toselect the channel you want to watch when the TVis turned on automatically next time, and press OKto confirm.