26 EnglishInstallationExternal Wire(Horn/Hush/Emergency)The T2000II can be configured to operate the vehicle’shorn, radio or a hidden switch:1 Terminate a suitable length of wiring in the “external”port of the power connector.2 Run the free end of the external wire from the powerconnector to the appropriate vehicle wiring.The option’s interface is usually configured to switch orbe switched in the ground state. Confirm the exactoperation in the documentation supplied with theinterface unit.Remote ControlHead OptionThe control head of some T2000II models may besupplied ready for mounting remotely from the radiochassis. In this case the control head should be locatedaway from direct sunlight, and the cable connecting it tothe radio should be routed away from the antenna withcare taken to ensure that the cable will not be subject todamage.If it is necessary to run the cable through a bulkhead orsimilar obstruction, you may unplug the cable from thecontrol head as follows (see also figure 9):1 Unscrew the rear of the control panel and lift off therear cover, taking care not to lose the two nuts locatedon each end.2 Disconnect the red connector from the printed circuitboard socket to free the cable.3 Route the cable as required, fitting grommets wherenecessary to prevent chafing of the cable insulation.4 Fit the red connector to the printed circuit boardsocket – the connector is shaped so that it can befitted in the correct orientation only.