86 General Information TP9100 Service Manual© Tait Electronics Limited May 20054.4 Test Equipment SetupIntroduction This section covers the setting up of the test equipment for servicing theradios, as well as related aspects:■ setting up of test equipment, including test unit■ basic programming and calibration tasks■ invoking CCTM (computer-controlled test mode)■ summary tables of CCTM commands and error codes■ visual and audible indications provided by radioConnect Equipment Connect the test equipment to the radio as shown in Figure 4.2. Use the testunit, cables and adaptor of the service kit. Refer to “Tools, Equipment andSpares” on page 81 for details of the test equipment and service kit.The test unit is described in “TOPA-SV-024 Test Unit” on page 319.For testing receive and transmit functions respectively, the switches of thetest unit must be set as described below. (When programming or calibratingradios the switches have no effect, although it is good practice to set theMODE switch to “R X ”.)Settings forReceive Tests For receive tests set the switches on the test unit as follows:■ HOOK switch : “OFF H OOK ”■ MODE switch : “R X ”■ AUDIO IN switch : “OFF ”■ AUDIO OUT switch: “S PEAKER” or “L OAD”In the last-named case, with the switch in the “S PEAKER” position, thereceived audio is output from the test unit’s speaker. In the “LOAD” position a16Ω load is switched into the circuit in place of the test unit’s speaker.Note, however, that the AUDIO OUT switch has no effect on the radio’s speaker.Settings forTransmit Tests For transmit tests set the switches on the test unit as follows:■ HOOK switch : “OFF H OOK ”■ MODE switch : “R X ” initially■ AUDIO IN switch : “MIC AUDIO”■ AUDIO OUT switch: (immaterial)When ready to transmit, set the MODE switch to the “T X /PTT” position.This switch functions in the same way as the PTT switch on the radio.Service CD Install the programming and calibration applications on the test PC. Theseapplications are included on the service CD supplied with the service kit.