4 • Recording—RehearsalTASCAM CD-RW700 233 Press the DIGITAL DIRECT key to togglebetween ON and OFF.When digital direct recording is enabled, theDIGITAL indicator in the display flashes slowly.NOTEAs mentioned earlier, the digital direct featurebypasses the frequency convertor. Recording istherefore only possible from sources recorded with44.1 kHz sampling frequency.4.3.5 Rec mute functionThe rec mute function allows instant cut-off of theinput signal, and records four seconds of silence onthe disc.1 While recording is in progress, press the RECMUTE key G.The display shows REC MUTE, the metersstop displaying the current level and the moni-tored sound is cut.2 After about four seconds, the unit entersrecord ready mode.NOTEThis function is only available from the remote controlunit. It is not possible to use this function with themain unit only.4.3.6 Fade-in and fade-outTo provide smooth beginnings and endings torecorded tracks, the unit provides fade facilities.Fade-ins are from –∞ (silence) to the set input level(4.1.1, “Signal volume”) and fade-outs go from thecurrent input volume to silence.The fade-in and fade-out times can be set indepen-dently in increments of one second, from 1 second to24 seconds.To set the fade times:1 Press the MENU key (9 or 7) repeatedly untilthe display shows FADE IN > XXS,where XX is the current fade-in time, inseconds.2 Turn the MULTI JOG control B or use theSKIP keys Ito change the value of the fade-intime.3 Press the MENU key again so that the displayshows FADE OUT> XXS, where XX isthe current fade-out time, in seconds.4 Turn the MULTI JOG control or use the SKIPkeys to change the value of the fade-out time.It is possible to set the fade-in time only (per-form step 5 after step 2) or the fade-out timeonly (in step 1, press the MENU key until thefade-out time menu item is shown).To perform the fade-in:1 With a recordable disc loaded, press theRECORD key (K or E) so that the unit entersrecord ready mode.2 Start the source material, and press the FADERkey (M or 9).The display shows FADE IN for the timespecified in the menu item above.As the fade progresses, the monitored signalgradually becomes louder, reflecting the levelrecorded on disc.To perform a fade-out:1 While recording, press the FADER key (M or9).The display shows FADE OUT for the timespecified in the menu above.As the fade progresses, the monitored signalgradually becomes quieter, reflecting the levelrecorded on disc.2 When the end of the fade-out time is reached,the unit goes into record ready mode. Record-ing can be restarted with the FADER key or thePLAY or PAUSE keys.The fade-in and fade-out times can be reset to newvalues while recording is in progress.Fades are also possible in digital direct mode (4.3.4,“Digital direct”).4.4 RehearsalThere are two areas in which the unit’s rehearsalfacilities can be used: synchronized recording (4.3.1,“Synchronized recording”) and automatic track divi-sion (4.3.2, “Automatic track division”).The purpose of the rehearsal facilities is to allow youto override the automatic synchronized recording andtrack division facilities where necessary.Here is an example where this facility may be ofvalue:A piece has been recorded on DAT, with a verbalcount-in immediately prior to the first drum beat.This count-in is not to be recorded as a part of theCD track, but the threshold level has been set to a