4 • Recording—Rehearsal24 TASCAM CD-RW700level where the fourth count will trigger recording (–24 dB — this is the limit of the threshold sensitivityand cannot be adjusted further).When the rehearsal facility is used, the source is cuedup and played, and the first few seconds of the trackare sampled and looped. The position of the loop canbe adjusted.When this offset has been set, synchronized record-ing takes place with the start occurring at the newlocation:This example shows how the start time can be movedforward, in order to eliminate unwanted “falsestarts”. It is also possible to “slip” the start timebackwards, in order to record a quiet passage thatwould otherwise not trigger the sync recording facil-ity (this is done by the use of a memory buffer).As well as being used for changing the start time ofsynchronized recording, the start of an automatictrack division can also be trimmed backwards andforwards in a similar way.Both the sync start trim and the track start trim cantake the same value and can be used in the samerecording.The maximum trim value is 125 frames on either sideof the original point (represented by 0), where thereare 75 frames in a second (i.e. 1.67 seconds).4.4.1 Rehearsal for synchronizedrecordingTo perform a synchronized recording, using therehearsal mode to slip the start of the track forwardsor backwards:1 Load a recordable disc into the unit and makesure the unit is in stop mode.2 Cue the source material to the start of thesource track to be recorded (i.e. in the exampleabove, this would be just before the count-in).3 Press the RHSL key 4 so that the displayshows Waiting Sync.4 Start playing the source. When the start of thetrack is detected (as explained in 4.3.1, “Syn-chronized recording”), the display changes toSync RHSL.5 If the rehearsal does not start at the region ofthe true start point, press the RHSL key onceagain to “re-arm” the trigger.6 After nine seconds, the message changes fromSync RHSL, and the sampled data loopsin a four-second loop. The display showsSync 0:0X, where X is the current sec-ond of the loop.7 Stop the source.8 Turn the MULTI JOG control B to adjust thepoint of the loop. The display shows:TRIM = +XXXf orTRIM = -XXXf, where XXX can be anumber between 0 and 125 and changesback to the Sync 0:0x display when theloop restarts.Every time the trim value is changed, the loopstarts replaying from the new start point.9 When the new start point has been set, pressthe STOP key (H or J).10 Cue up the source material to the originalpoint set in step 2.11 Press the RECORD key (K or E) to enterrecord ready mode, and then press the SYNCREC key (L or F)."1" "2" "3"Drum beat"4"Sync recording starts hereS_LVL"1" "2" "3"Drum beat"4"S_LVLThis section is looped. TheMULTI JOG control adjuststhe position of the loop"1" "2" "3"Drum beat"4"Sync recording starts at newpointS_LVL