2 - Parts of the tape deck16 TASCAM DA-45HR[29] LOC 1Pressing this key will locate the tape to the first mem-ory location (set with this key in shifted mode). If thetape is playing when this key is pressed, the tape willresume playing when the location is reached, other-wise it will stop.When the key is pressed, the value stored in the firstlocation memory will flash on the right side of thedisplay (frames, program numbers and margin willdisappear while the tape is locating, and be restoredonce location is complete).If a pre-roll time has been set in the menu, pressingthis key will locate to the memory location minus thepre-roll time.[30] LOC 2This key functions in exactly the same way asLOC 1[29] above, except that the second location memoryis used rather than the first.[31] SINGLE PLAYThe single play mode, when active, will play onlyone program , i.e. when the next START ID isencountered, playback will stop. When single playmode is active, the display will show SINGLEPLAY.[32] SHIFTThis key is a latching key. When active, the indicatorbeside and above the key lights, and the commandkeys take on their shifted functions, as indicated bythe blue captions above them.See 4, "Advanced functions" for details of theseshifted functions.2.5 Rear panel[33] DIGITAL (AES/EBU) INPUT/OUTPUTThese XLR connectors, wired in accordance with theAES/EBU standard, provide digital audio input andoutput facilities with the data being output in eitherAES/EBU or SPDIF format (as selected in 3.6, "Dig-ital output format"). The format of data received(AES/EBU or SPDIF) is automatically detected.[34] DIGITAL COAXIALThese RCA connectors provide digital audio inputand output facilities with the data being output ineither AES/EBU or SPDIF format (as selected in 3.6,"Digital output format"). The bit length is set usingthe menu system (see 3.7, "Digital out word length").The format of data received (AES/EBU or SPDIF) isautomatically detected.[35] WORD IN and THRU (AUTO TERM)These BNC connectors provide an input for an exter-nal word clock (selected using the CLOCK switch[4] set to the WORD position) at the IN connector,which is re-transmitted from the THRU connector.There is no need to provide any termination for theTHRU connector if no connection is made to it.[36] CONTROL I/OThis 15-pin ’D’-sub connector is used for connectionto a suitably-equipped controller.As well as the mode described in the table below, thisconnector can also be used as a serial connector.Please contact your TASCAM distributor for detailsof this facility.The pinouts of this connector are given below:Pinnumber SignalDirectionFunction1 STOP IN External com-mand reception;active when low(at ground poten-tial for 30 ms ormore)2 FWD PLAY IN3 F.FWD IN4 REW IN5 PAUSE IN6 REC PLAY IN7 SERIAL IN8 Ground — —9 FWD PLAYTALLYOUT Transmit trans-port status indica-tion signals inopen collector(maximum allow-able voltage 15 Vand maximumallowable current80 mA)10 F.FWD TALLY OUT11 REW TALLY OUT12 STOP TALLY OUT13 REC/PLAYTALLYOUT14 PAUSE TALLY OUT15 TAPE ENDTALLYaa. See 3.14, "End tally signal"OUT