17level to the stem recorder. You can use the METER-FADER-SETUP parametersto control the output level of BUSS 1-8 for monitoring.When a mix snapshot is stored on the master, a mix snapshot is also stored onthe slave simultaneously. The same is true for saving automation mixes.However, when these files need to be cleared from the DM-24 to make room fornew mixes, these files would have to be transferred individually from each DM-24to an external MIDI device for storage.The stereo buss, control room and studio outputs on the cascade slave can beused independently of the cascade master. This allows many benefits. Forinstance, the stereo buss on the cascade master could be output dry while acompressor could be inserted on the stereo buss of the cascade slave. With 2AES/EBU, S/PDIF and balanced analog outputs, up to 6 stereo mixes could beoutput simultaneously. The control room and studio outputs on the cascadeslave could be used to feed different monitors systems. Use the cascade masterfor your standard near field monitors and studio speakers, while the cascadeslave could feed midfield speakers and small computer speakers. It is alwaysnice to reference wide variety of different speakers when mixing. Cascadingmakes this easy.One DM-24 allows you to very easily record and monitor 16 trackssimultaneously. However it does not allow you to monitor with effects or setupcue mixes with effects. Cascading two DM-24 makes for the ultimate 24-trackrecording/monitoring system. Let’s say you have an MX-2424. Plug tracks 1-16into the master DM-24 via TDIF. Plug tracks 17-24 into TDIF-1 on the slave DM-24. Recall the RECORDING 1-16 snapshot on the master and the slave willfollow. At this point, the system is ready to record and monitor 32 tracks. Go tothe I/O screen on the slave and assign EFFECT 1 L&R and EFFECT 2 L&R tochannels 25-28 and assign nothing (----) to channels 29-32. If you have MIDImodules assign their outputs to line inputs 9-16 on the slave. Mic/line inputs arealready assigned to channels 9-16, but channels 9-16 are assigned to DIRECToutputs at the moment. Instead, assign them to the STEREO buss. It would bewise to make stereo pairs out of channels 25-32 as the outputs of the MIDImodules are stereo. So now we have:• 24 mic inputs assigned to direct outputs on channels 1-16 on the master and1-8 on the slave. Each of these channels has a gate, compressor, 4-band EQand 6 aux sends.• 24 tape returns assigned to the stereo buss on channels 17-32 on the masterand 17-24 on the slave. Each of these channels has a compressor, 4-bandparametric EQ and six aux sends.• The outputs of the internal effect processors are assigned to channels 25-28.Each of these channels has a compressor, 4-band parametric EQ and 6 auxsends.• Our MIDI sound module outputs are plugged in to line inputs 9-16 on theslave and assigned to channels 9-16. Each of these channels has a gate,compressor, 4-band parametric EQ and 6 aux sends.