TASCAM DM-4800 Effect list Effect Parameter ListTASCAM FX2.0 Effect ParametersMONO CHORUS FX2.0This chorus effect features mono-in (one input) andstereo-out (two outputs).Table 1.1: Mono Chorus parametersParameter Indicator Range Description RemarksLFO rate LFO Rate Freeze, 0.01 Hz - 30.00 Hz (0.01 Hz steps) Specifies LFO frequency.LFO depth LFO Depth 0.0% - 100.0% (0.1% steps) Specifies LFO modula-tion depth.Pre-delay Pre-Delay 0 ms - 500 ms(0 ms - 9.99 ms: 0.01 ms steps;10 ms - 99 ms: 1 ms steps;100 ms - 500 ms: 10 ms steps)Specifies time betweenonset of original soundand onset of the effectsound.Using this parameterenables you to makeinteresting and detailedsettings based on subtlechanges due to phasecancellation.FeedbackamountFeedbackAmt0% - 90% (1% steps) Specifies amount ofdelay line output signalreturned to delay lineinput.FeedbackinversionInvertFbk Off, On Determines whetheror not feedback pathoutput signal will beinverted.LFO waveformtypeLFO Type Off, Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth Up, SawtoothDown, SquareSpecifies LFO waveformtype.LFO softening LFO Smooth 0.0% - 100.0% (0.1% steps) Specifies low-pass filtercoefficient applied toLFO waveform.This parameter improvesunnatural sound atdiscontinuous points bysmoothening out edgesof sawtooth or squarewaveform.Dry delay DryDly(Thru 0)0.0% - 100.0% (0.1% steps) Specifies delay of drysignal that simulates“ through zero” flanging.Low shelvingfilter frequencyLoShelfFreq 20.000 Hz - 20.00 kHz (6 cents steps) Specifies low shelvingfilter corner frequency.This filter is applied tofeedback loops.Low shelvingfilter gainLoShelfGain –20.0 dB - 0.0 dB (0.1 dB steps) Specifies low shelvingfilter gain.This filter is applied tofeedback loops.High shelvingfilter frequencyHiShelfFreq 20.000 Hz - 20.00 kHz (6 cents steps) Specifies high shelvingfilter corner frequency.This filter is applied tofeedback loops.High shelvingfilter gainHiShelfGain –20.0 dB - 0.0 dB (0.1 dB steps) Specifies high shelvingfilter gain.This filter is applied tofeedback loops.Effect parameter list