40 TASCAM DR-05X6 – PlaybackIncreasing the perceived overall soundpressure to enhance listenability (LEVELALIGN)If the playback sound is very small and indiscernible, theperceived overall sound pressure can be increased toenhance listenability. (Level Alignment)Operation from the MENU screen1. Press the MENU button to open the MENU screen.2. Use the + or – button to select (highlight) the I/OSETTING menu item, and press the 7 button.The I/O SETTING screen will open.3. Use the + or − button to select LEVEL ALIGN and pressthe 7 button.4. Use the + and − buttons to set the LEVEL ALIGNfunction.Options: OFF (default), ON5. After completing the setting, press the ¤ (HOME) [8]button to return to the Home Screen.Operation from the Quick menu1. During playback when the Home Screen is open, pressthe QUICK button to open the Quick menu.2. Use the + or − button to select LEVEL ALIGN and pressthe 7 button.3. A screen to enable/disable the level alignment functionappears.4. Use the + or − button to select (highlight) ON, and pressthe 7 button to enable the level alignment function.Select (highlight) OFF and press the 7 button to disablethe level alignment function.NOTEThe level alignment function might not have much effectdepending on the source of the sound (for example, amusic file that has already had sound pressure adjusted).Using the jump functionDuring playback, you can jump backward or forward fromthe current playback position by a set amount of time.The same playback status will be retained after jumping.The jump forward function can only be used during dictationplayback mode, overwrite recording mode and with the filedivision function. Operation differs in these modes.Use the JUMP BACK and JUMP FWD settings to set thebackward and forward times.JUMP BACKOptions: OFF, 1sec, 3sec (default), 5sec, 10sec, 30sec,1min, 5min, 10minJUMP FWDOptions: OFF, 1sec, 3sec, 5sec, 10sec (default), 30sec,1min, 5min, 10minOperation when not using dictation playbackmode, overwrite recording mode or the filedivision functionJump backDuring playback, press the 7 button to jump back fromthe current position by the set JUMP BACK time.Operation when using dictation playback mode,overwrite recording mode or the file divisionfunctionJump backDuring playback, press the . button to jump backfrom the current position by the set JUMP BACK time.Jump forwardDuring playback, press the / button to jump forwardfrom the current position by the set JUMP FWD time.NOTEWhen jumping back, if the amount of time from thecurrent playback position to the beginning of the file isless than the set “JUMP BACK” time, playback will jump tothe beginning of the file. When jumping forward, if theamount of time from the current playback position tothe end of the file is less than the set “JUMP FWD” time,playback will jump to the end of the file and pause.