TASCAM DR-05X 5512 – Settings and InformationSetting the file name formatYou can select the format of names given to files recorded bythis unit.1. Press the MENU button to open the MENU screen.2. Use the + and – buttons to select (highlight) the OTHERSmenu item, and press the 7 button to open theOTHERS screen.3. Use the + or − button to select FILE NAME, and press the7 button.The FILE NAME screen will open.Set each item using the ., /, + and – buttons.On this screen you can make the following settings foreach item.File name formatThe TYPE item can be set to either WORD or DATE.Options: WORD, DATE (default)WORD: The six characters set in WORD will be included in filename.Example: DR0000_0000.wavDATE: The date is used as the file name (in yymmddformat).Example: 110101_0000.wavNOTEThe date is set using the unit’s internal clock. (See "Settingthe date and time" on page 16)Setting the WORD itemTo set the WORD item, use the . and / buttons to movethe cursor, and use the + or − button to select the character.In addition to the alphabet and numbers, the followingcharacters can be used.! # $ % & ‘ ( ) + , - . ; = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~