30 ROW-X PLUSCardiovascular training (cardio training): The primary goal is to increase stamina and fitnessthrough an improved provision of oxygen through the cardiovascular system. In order to achievethis training goal, medium intensity (approximately 75% of the maximum heart rate) with a mediumtraining period is required.Anaerobic (maximum) load training: The main goal of maximum load training is to improverecovery after short, intense loads in order to be able to quickly return to the aerobic zone. In orderto achieve this training goal, a high intensity (approximately 90% of the maximum heart rate) withshort, intense load is required, which is followed by a recovery phase in order to prevent musclefatigue.Example:For a 45-year-old man or woman, the maximum heart rate is 175 (220 - 45 = 175).+ The fat burning target zone (55%) is at approximately 96 beats/min. = (220 - age) x 0.55.+ The cardio target zone (75%) is at approximately 131 beats/min. = (220 - age) x 0.75.+ The maximum heart rate for an anaerobic load training (90%) is at approximately 157 beats/min.= (220 - age) x 0.9.208010012014016018020022065 7060555045403525 30200 195 190 185 180 175 170180150110146107175 171 166 162 157 153 148143 139 135 131 128 124105 102 99 96 94 91 88 85 83113116120144 139 136150155160165Heart rate diagram for training intensityMaximum pulse (220-age)90% of maximum pulse - anaerobic (maximum) intensity training75% of maximum pulse - cardiovascular training (cardio training)55% of maximum pulse - fat burning (weight control)HeartbeatsAge