April 20198 GTH-5519 Part No. 57.0009.0619GTFourth Edition - Third PrintingGeneral Safety for Tier 4 Final1263543Improper operation or maintenance ofthis equipment can result in death orserious injury.Access by trained andauthorized personnel only.1263543 ADANGERExplosion / Burn HazardBattery explosion and/or contact with corrosiveacid will result in death or serious injury.Wear personal protective equipment,including face shield, gloves and long sleeveshirt. Read manuals. If you do not understandthe information in the manuals, consult yoursupervisor, the owner or the manufacturer.237601 AKeep all open flames and sparks away.23760197667 BBurn HazardContact withhot surfacescan causeburns.Do not touch.Allow surfacesto cool beforeservicing.WARNING97667237598 ACrush HazardContact between wheel and chassiscan result in death or serious injury.Stay clear of machine during operation.WARNING2375989766721526823760121441812635439766721441897602237598237605237605237605 AWARNINGBurn HazardRelease of hot fluid underpressure can result indeath or serious injury.Do not loosen cap untilcool.215268 AFall HazardFalling can result in death or serious injury.When lifting personnel, only use a work platformthat meets Terex requirements, along withassociated machine load charts.Be sure to properly secure platform to telehandlerbefore use.Read and understand operator's manual.Wear approved personnel fall protectionequipment and attach lanyard to anchor provided.WARNING215268([SORVLRQ+D]DUG'HDWKRUVHULRXVLQMXU\FDQUHVXOWIURPWKHXVHRIHWKHURURWKHUKLJKHQHUJ\VWDUWLQJDLGV &H2C?:?8'RQRWXVHHWKHURURWKHUKLJKHQHUJ\VWDUWLQJDLGVRQPDFKLQHVHTXLSSHGZLWKJORZSOXJVRUJULGKHDWHU9760209.4618.204809.4618.2048 ACrush HazardContact with movingattachments or boomcan result in death orserious injury.Securely install the safety collarto the lifting cylinder rod beforeservicing.09.4618.2048