April 2019Fourth Edition - Third PrintingPart No. 57.0009.0619GT GTH-5519 55STOP. With armextended horizontally tothe side, palm down,arm is swung back andforth.EMERGENCY STOP. With both arms extendedhorizontally to the side, palms down, arms areswung back and forth.HOIST. With upperarm extended to theside, forearm and indexfinger pointing straightup, hand and fingermake small circles.RAISE BOOM. Witharm extendedhorizontally to the side,thumb points up withother fingers closed.SWING. With armextended horizontally,index finger points indirection that boom is toswing.RETRACTTELESCOPING BOOM.With hands to the frontat waist level, thumbspoint at each other withother fingers closed.RAISE THE BOOMAND LOWER THELOAD. With armextended horizontally tothe side and thumbpointing up, fingersopen and close whileload movement isdesired.DOG EVERYTHING.Hands held together atwaist level.LOWER. With armand index fingerpointing down, handand finger make smallcircles.LOWER BOOM. Witharm extendedhorizontally to the side,thumb points down withother fingers closed.EXTENDEDTELESCOPING BOOM.With hands to the frontat waist level, thumbspoint outward with otherfingers closed.TRAVEL/TOWERTRAVEL. With allfingers pointing up, armis extended horizontallyout and back to make apushing motion in thedirection of travel.LOWER THE BOOMAND RAISE THELOAD. With armextended horizontally tothe side and thumbpointing down, fingersopen and close whileload movement isdesired.MOVE SLOWLY. Ahand is placed in front ofthe hand that is givingthe action signal.Attachments