Operator's Manual Fifth Edition • Second Printing12 Z-30/20N • Z-30/20N RJ Part No. 133546Pre-operation Inspection Be sure that the operator's, safety andresponsibilities manuals are complete, legibleand in the storage container located on theplatform. Be sure that all decals are legible and in place.See Decals section. Check for hydraulic oil leaks and proper oillevel. Add oil if needed. See Maintenancesection. Check for battery fluid leaks and proper fluidlevel. Add distilled water if needed. SeeMaintenance section.Check the following components or areas fordamage, improperly installed or missing parts andunauthorized modifications: Electrical components, wiring and electricalcables Hydraulic power unit, reservoir, hoses,fittings, cylinders and manifolds Drive and turntable motors and drive hubs Boom wear pads Tires and wheels Limit switches Nuts, bolts and other fasteners Platform entry mid-rail/gate Beacon and alarms (if equipped)PRE-OPERATION INSPECTIONCheck entire machine for: Cracks in welds or structural components Dents or damage to machine Be sure that all structural and other criticalcomponents are present and all associatedfasteners and pins are in place and properlytightened. Be sure that both battery packs are in place,latched and properly connected. After you complete your inspection, be sure thatall compartment covers are in place andlatched.