12Chapter 2: InstallationairFiber® AF5/AF5U User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.AlignmentTips• To accurately align the airFiber radios for bestperformance, you MUST align only one end of the link ata time.• For more convenient alignment, you may consider usinglong-range scopes (not included) temporarily attachedto your airFiber radios.• You may need to use additional hardware tocompensate for issues such as the improper orientationof a mounting pole or significant elevation differencesbetween airFiber radios.Determining the Received Signal LevelThere are three methods for determining the receivedsignal level:• LED Displays (See the next column.)• airFiber Configuration Interface (See “Using theairFiber Configuration Interface” on page 14.)• Audio tone (Optional equipment required. See “Usingthe Audio Tone” on page 16.)Using the LED DisplaysBefore a link is established, the Master’s LED Display lookslike this:• GPS and Master LEDs are solidly litNote: The GPS LED may not be lit if there is aweak GPS signal. A GPS signal is not required foralignment.• Link Status LED flashes (Normal Flash 1:1)• Remote and Local LED Displays show a double dashGPSMASTERLINKRESETOVERLOAD8X6X4X to 0.25XREMOTELOCAL AUXMANAGEMENT DATAACT SPEEDACT SPEEDNote: The Local LED Display may briefly flash alarge number (such as 95) when there is no link.Establishing a LinkAdjust the positions of the Master and the Slave toestablish a link.Note: The Master must be aimed first at the Slavebecause the Slave does not transmit any RF signaluntil it detects transmissions from the Master.1. Ensure that the following bolts and nuts are loose:• Four Pre-Installed M10x25 Flanged Bolts on theairFiber radio (two on each side)• Four M10 Hex Nuts used to lock the elevationalignment on the Upper Mount Bracket (two oneach side)