22Chapter 7: Advanced TabairFiber® AF-5X User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.• Disabled The Track Radio Link option is disabled bydefault. The Data port’s Ethernet link will always remainup regardless of the RF link state.• Use Timeout Duration This option is designed for useby operators who are using in-band management. Twotimers control the Data port’s Ethernet link.RF Link Ethernet Link NotesGoes down forthe first timeThe Ethernet link goesdown and remainsdown for the numberof seconds specified bythe Link Off Durationtimer.The Ethernet link willthen come back up sothat the AF-5X can bemanaged even whenthe RF link is down.Even if the RF link goesback up before theLink Off Duration timerelapses, the Ethernetlink remains down.The Ethernet link’sdowntime is longenough to signal tothe customer’s routingequipment that thepath is lost.Goes downfor thesecond timeThe Ethernet linkremains up as long astime remains on theLink Off Spacing timer.When the Link OffSpacing timer elapses,then the Ethernet linkgoes down again forthe number of secondsspecified by the LinkOff Duration timer. (Thishappens only if the RFlink is still down.)The Ethernet link’suptime is long enoughso the operator hasenough time to accessthe AF-5X, makeconfiguration changes,and save those changes.Sufficient Ethernet linkuptime is vital when aRF link is constantly upand down.If the Use Timeout Duration option is enabled, the TrackRadio Link option and the following timers are enabled:- Link Off Duration The Link Off Duration timercontrols the length of time the Data port’s Ethernetlink will be down if the RF link goes down. Enter thenumber of seconds that the Ethernet link should beoffline. For example, if this is set to 10 seconds, thenwhen the RF link goes down, the Ethernet link will godown and remain down for 10 seconds (regardless ofthe RF link state), and then it will go back up.- Link Off Spacing The Link Off Spacing timer controlsthe length of time the AF-5X will wait before allowingthe Data port’s Ethernet link to go down for a secondtime if the RF link goes down again. Enter theminimum interval (in seconds) between offline eventsof the Ethernet link, regardless of the RF link status.The value for Link Off Spacing should be larger than thevalue for Link Off Duration, and it should be enoughtime for the operator to access the AF-5X, make anyconfiguration changes, and apply those changes.Note: If the Link Off Spacing timer is set to0 seconds, then the Ethernet link will only use theLink Off Duration timer. If the Link Off Durationtimer is set to 10 seconds and the RF link goesdown, then the Ethernet link will go down for10 seconds and then go back up regardless of theRF link state. If the RF link is still down, then theEthernet link will not go down again until the RFlink goes back up and then down again.Here are a couple of examples involving the use of theUse Timeout Duration option.• Example #1• Link Off Duration 5 seconds• Link Off Spacing 60 secondsThe Data port’s Ethernet link will be initiallydisconnected when the RF link first goes down. Thatevent will start a 60-second timer. The Ethernet linkwill remain offline for 5 seconds (regardless of the RFlink status) and then come back online. The Ethernetlink will remain online (regardless of the RF linkstate) until the 60-second timer expires.• Example #2• Link Off Duration 20 seconds• Link Off Spacing 120 secondsThe Data port’s Ethernet link will be initiallydisconnected when the RF link first goes down. Thatevent will start a 120-second timer. The RF link goesback up after 10 seconds; however, that does notaffect the Ethernet link. The Ethernet link will remainoffline for 20 seconds and then come back online.The RF link goes down again after 60 seconds;however, that does not affect the Ethernet link.The Ethernet link will then remain online until the120-second timer expires.• Enabled This option is designed for use by operatorswho are not using in-band management. The TrackRadio Link option is enabled without timers, so the Dataport’s Ethernet link follows the RF link state exactly. Ifthe RF link goes down, then the Ethernet link goes downand remains down until the RF link goes back up.www.4Gon.co.uk info@4gon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1245 808295 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299