30Chapter 10: ToolsairFiber® AF-5X User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.Chapter 10: ToolsEach tab of the airFiber Configuration Interface containsnetwork administration and monitoring tools. Click theTools drop-down list at the top right corner of the page.Align AntennaUse the Align Antenna tool to point and optimize theantenna in the direction of maximum link signal. TheAntenna Alignment window is designed to refresh every250 milliseconds.Chain 0/1 Signal Strength Displays the absolute powerlevel (in dBm) of the received signal for each chain.Note: If “Overload” is displayed to indicate anoverload condition, identify and eliminate anysources of strong in-band interference.Remote Chain 0/1 Signal Strength Displays the absolutepower level (in dBm) of the received signal for each chainof the remote airFiber radio.Max Signal Displays the maximum signal strength (indBm). To adjust the range of the Max Signal meter, usethe slider or manually enter the new value. If you reducethe range, the color change will be more sensitive tosignal fluctuations, indicating the offset of the maximumindicator value and the scale itself.www.4Gon.co.uk info@4gon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1245 808295 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299