ULEAD VIDEOSTUDIO USER GUIDE134Appendix A: Menus and dialog boxesMenusFile menu• New Project: Creates a new Ulead VideoStudio project file. This clears theexisting workspace and opens the new project with the specified settings inthe New dialog box. If you have an unsaved project opened in the workspacewhen you click New Project, Ulead VideoStudio prompts you to save thechanges first.• Open Project: Invokes the Open dialog box for selecting a UleadVideoStudio project file (VSP) to place in the workspace. If you have anunsaved project opened in the workspace, a message prompts you to savethe changes.• Save/Save As: Allows you to save your work as a new or existing project file(*.VSP). It opens the Save As dialog box where you can assign a file nameand location for saving the file.• Project Properties: Displays the Project Properties dialog box thatincludes information about the currently opened file. Here you can also editthe project file template attributes.• Preferences: Opens the Preferences dialog box where you can customizethe Ulead VideoStudio working environment.• Relink: Displays the Relink dialog box, prompting you to relink the currentlyselected clip whenever necessary. If you move the folder containing thesource files to another directory, select Smart search in the Relink dialogbox. When you relink one thumbnail, Ulead VideoStudio will relink all thesource files in the directory automatically.• Insert Media File to Timeline: Displays a pop-up menu that allows you toselect video, DVD/DVD-VR, image, or audio, and then insert it to theappropriate track.• Insert Media File to Library: Displays a pop-up menu that allows you toselect video, DVD/DVD-VR, image, or audio, and then insert it to the Library.