ULEAD VIDEOSTUDIO USER GUIDE140Shadow tab• Shadow type: Select the type of shadow to apply to your text.The availability of the options below depends on the type of shadow:• X: Sets the horizontal distance between the text and shadow.• Y: Sets the vertical distance between the object and shadow.• Color: Click to select the color of the shadow.• Transparency: Set the transparency of the text. The higher the value themore transparent the shadow.• Soft edge: Make the border blend smoothly with the background. The higherthe value the more the shadow blends with the background.Capture Options• Capture audio: Select to capture the audio when capturing from an analogdevice.• Capture to Library: Select to put the captured video into the Library.• Force to use preview mode: Select to improve captured video quality whencapturing in SVCD or DVD format. This is only available if your analog capturecard supports this feature.• Capture frame rate: Select what frame rate to use when capturing thevideo. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the video will be.• Display Source Volume Panel when capturing: Select to open the SourceVolume Panel when capturing analog videos. You can use this panel to adjustthe sound volume of the analog source during capture.Change Capture Plug-in• Current capture plug-in: Allows you to choose a capture plug-in for thedriver that comes with the capture device installed on your computer. Captureplug-ins are programs that come with Ulead VideoStudio. They allowVideoStudio to communicate with your video camera.• Description: Displays a brief description of the selected capture plug-in.Burning Options• Disc burner Specify the settings for your burning device.