26usB.Message Batt .typeMeaning scanner.condCharging Ni-MH Scanner is charging. OffNo Battery None NO batteries inscanner.OffChargeCompleteNi-MH Unit is charged. OffCharge Off Alk./Ni-MHScanner is not charg-ing (Battery selectionswitch is set to Alk.)OffBattery Error Ni-MH Batteries cannotbe charged (deadbattery).OffIllegal Voltage Ni-MH USB external poweris out of range.OffSee also Setting the Charging Timer, page 36.If the batteries are good, the scanner charges the batteries.and it operates normally. If the scanner cannot immediatelydetermine if the batteries are good and can be charged, itchecks them and displays the battery icon. If the scanner judgesthe batteries are good, the scanner starts charging and thebattery icon disappears. If it cannot regard the batteries as goodin 60 seconds, the scanner stops checking and the battery iconblinks.