Mounting the MIC Hanger14UNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverMIC Hanger mounted over MIC CableNOTEThe curly cord of the Remote LCD Speaker MIC can extend up to 1.5m.For practical installation of the MIC Hanger mounted over MIC Cable usethis method with the Extension Cable.MicrophoneRadioExtension Cable21543The plug of the extension cable connects to the Radio. The socket end of the extensioncable connects with the microphone plug.1. The rubber collar (dust cover) on the microphone cable is not required and can becut away or pushed out of the way along the cable.2. Drill a 13mm hole at the MIC hanger location.3. Thread the microphone plug through the hole and connect with the extension cable.4. Mount the MIC Hanger over the hole and cable.$WWKH5DGLR&RQQHFWWKHH[WHQVLRQFDEOHSOXJWRWKH0,&-DFN)LWWKHUXEEHUbushing over the MIC jack.