Introduction4UNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverThe Uniden UH9060/UH9080 is designed to provide you with years of trouble freeservice. Its rugged components and materials are capable of withstanding harshenvironments. Please read this Operating Manual carefully to ensure you gain theoptimum performance of the unit.NOTEThe citizen band radio service is licenced in Australia by ACMARadio-communications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licenceand in New Zealand by MBIE General User Licence for Citizen BandRadio and operation is subject to conditions contained in those licenses.Features 8+)&%1DUURZ%DQG 1%Transceiver Radio 1 &KDQQHO :7UDQVPLVVLRQ3RZHU %XLOWLQ$96&LUFXLWU\3 'XSOH[&DSDELOLW\1 %XLOWLQ6HOHFWLYH&DOOLQJ 6(/&$// Feature with Alpha Tag 5RJHU%HHS)XQFWLRQ2Q2II 'LIIHUHQW&DOO7RQHVSpecial Features ([WUD8VHU3URJUDPPDEOHReceive Only Channels with AlphaTag 2,4 3UH3URJUDPPHG3ROLFH)LUH Ambulance Frequencies 2,4 ,QVWDQW5HSOD\RI5HFHQW5HFHLYHGSignals &ORVH&DOOTMRF Capture Feature2,4 2QH7RXFK6PDUW.H\ 9RLFH(QKDQFHU (4/ 9RLFH6FUDPEOH6HWWLQJV4Control Features 5HPRWH/&'6SHDNHU0LFURSKRQH(Remote SPK/MIC) with ExtensionCable /&''LVSOD\ZLWK%DFNOLJKW&RORXUV /&'%ULJKWQHVV &RQWUDVWFRQWURO 6OLGH0RXQW%UDFNHW 9WR9'&3RZHU,QSXW 8QGHUDQGRYHUYROWDJHDOHUWIXQFWLRQ 6LJQDO6WUHQJWK3RZHU0HWHU 9ROXPH&RQWURO %DVH 5HPRWH0LF6SHDNHUV ([WHUQDO6SHDNHU-DFN 3RZHU2Q2II3XVK6ZLWFK )URQW0,&-DFN /HYHO3UHVHW6TXHOFKChannel Features &KDQQHO6HOHFW ,QVWDQW&KDQQHO3URJUDPPLQJ 2QHWRXFK,QVWDQW&KDQQHOUHFDOOLQJ 7ULSOH'XDO:DWFKZLWK,QVWDQW&KDQQHO *URXS6FDQDQG3ULRULW\&KDQQHOWatch 2SHQ6FDQ 0DVWHU6FDQ 6FDQ&KDQQHO0HPRU\2Q2IIseparately with Open Scan, Group Scan %XV\&KDQQHO/RFNRXW)XQFWLRQ %XLOWLQ&7&66 &RQWLQXRXV7RQHCoded Squelch System) codes DGGLWLRQDO'&6 'LJLWDO&RGHGSquelch) codes that are userselectable1 Refer to p.51 - p.53 for channel information2 $YDLODEOHIUHTXHQFLHV FKDQQHOVDUHZLWKLQ520MHz Band only in 12.5kHz steps. Police, Fire$PEXODQFHUHFHSWLRQLVXQHQFU\SWHGDQDORJXH3 AVS - Automatic Volume Stabilizer fetects andmanages incoming audio to comparable levels.4 This feature applies to UH9080 only