Operation - Special Features36UNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverClose Call ™ RF Capture (Only for UH9080 )The Close Call RF Capture feature sets the UH9080 so it detects and then displays thefrequency of a nearby strong radio transmission. Close Call RF capture works great for¿QGLQJIUHTXHQFLHVDWYHQXHVVXFKDVPDOOVDQGVSRUWLQJHYHQWVClose Call RF Capture doesn’t tune to a frequency to check for a transmission, insteadit directly detects the presence of a strong, nearby signal and instantly tunes to theVRXUFH¶VIUHTXHQF\7KH8+RQO\WULHVWR¿QG&ORVH&DOOWUDQVPLVVLRQVIURP520 MHz.NOTE&ORVH&DOO5)FDSWXUHZRUNVZHOOIRUORFDWLQJWKHVRXUFHRIVWURQJORFDOtransmissions such as mobile and handheld two-way radios in areaswith no other strong transmission sources. However, if you are in anarea with many transmission sources (such as pager radio transmitters,PXOWLXVHUDGLRWRZHUVWUDI¿FFRQWUROGHYLFHVHWF &ORVH&DOO5)FDSWXUHPLJKWQRW¿QGWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQ\RXDUHVHDUFKLQJIRURULWPLJKW¿QGDWUDQVPLVVLRQRWKHUWKDQWKHRQH\RXDUHVHDUFKLQJIRU&ORVH&DOOZRUNVEHWWHUZLWKVRPHW\SHVRIWUDQVPLVVLRQVWKDQRWKHUVIt might not correctly display frequency information for transmittersusing a highly directive antenna (such as an amateur radio beamantenna), if there are many transmitters operating at the same time inthe same area, or if the transmitter is a broadcast television station.