- 13 - - 14 -POWER OFF TIMEOUT SMARTPHONE CONNECTIONVariable TimeoutNo Timeout (Scanner Always On)*.B030$*. B030$SET MINUTE*.B029$*. B029$SET SECOND*.B021$*. B021$DISABLETIMEOUTThe default timeout is 3 minutes 0 second.For example, to set the timeout as 5 minutes 30 seconds:1. Scan [Set Minute]2. Scan [0] & [5] on page 11 & 12.(Range: 00 ~ 60)(Range: 00 ~ 60)3. Scan [Set Minute]4. Scan [Set Second]5. Scan [3] & [0] on page 11 & 12.6. Scan [Set Second]The period of inactivity before auto power-off.Touch Keyboard - iOSTouch Keyboard - AndroidAfter enabling iOS Hotkey(disabled by default), you may simplydouble-click the trigger to toggle the iPhone/iPad Touch Keyboard.Please follow below steps to toggle Android virtual keybaord:1. Enter “Settings”2. Enter “Language & input”3. In Keyboard & input window, tap “Default” to continue.4. Turn off “Physical keyboard”, or Turn on “On-screen keyboard”and the Touch Keyboard will function properly again.. E047$ENABLE iOS HOTKEYGetting Connected - iOS & AndroidSimply follow instruction in5 can be skipped since iOS & Android will not require pin-codefor connection.,in which step[BT mode - HID] (page 9)Slide toturn off