-2.7. Get scan dataFunction Description:Retrieves the scan data into the buffer. USI_GetData returns data in buffer in ASCII code, whileUSI_GetData2 returns in Unicode. Parameter len specifies the maximum length of the buffer.Returns the length of characters. It also returns the barcode type if type is not NULL. Return 0means that the buffer is too short to hold the data.The scanner will be disabled when scanner successfully decoded a data, so the data is protectedfrom been destroyed by trying continuously scanning. Call USI_GetData / USI_GetData2 orUSI_ResetData will automatically enable the scanner.USI_GetData should be called when SM_DATAREADY message is received. Or callUSI_ResetData to discard the data. Both of them will reset the data buffer and enable scanner, sothat next scan data can come in.If the data buffer is not empty and a new scan data occurs, it will be discarded and an errormessage SM_ERROR with code of SERR_DATALOST will be sent.For a complete list of barcode types, refer to the header file USI.H for the predefined data withBCT_ prefixFunction call:UINT USI_GetData(LPBYTE buffer, UINT len, UINT* type);UINT USI_GetData2(LPTSTR buffer, UINT len, UINT* type);Parameter: (input)len: UINT : Len specifies the maximum length of the buffer.Parameter: (output)buffer: LPBYTE : Data buffer for storing scanned datatype: UINT : barcode type which is defined on USI.H. Please refer to below listBCT_CODE_39 // Code 39BCT_CODABAR // CodaBarBCT_CODE_128 // Code 128BCT_INTERLEAVED_2OF5 // Interleaves 2 of 5BCT_CODE_93 // Code 93BCT_UPC_A // UPC ABCT_UPC_A_2SUPPS // UPC A with 2 SuppsBCT_UPC_A_5SUPPS // UPC A with 5 SuppsBCT_UPC_E0 // UPC EBCT_UPC_E0_2SUPPS // UPC E with 2 SuppsBCT_UPC_E0_5SUPPS // UPC E with 5 SuppsBCT_EAN_8 // EAN 8BCT_EAN_8_2SUPPS // EAN 8 with 2 SuppsBCT_EAN_8_5SUPPS // EAN 8 with 5 SuppsBCT_EAN_13 // EAN 13BCT_EAN_13_2SUPPS // EAN 13 with 2 SuppsBCT_EAN_13_5SUPPS // EAN 13 with 5 SuppsBCT_MSI_PLESSEY // MSI PlesseyBCT_EAN_128 // EAN 128BCT_UPC_E1 // UPC E1BCT_UPC_E1_2SUPPS // UPC E1 with 2 SuppsBCT_UPC_E1_5SUPPS // UPC E1 with 5 SuppsBCT_TRIOPTIC_CODE_39 // TRIOPTIC CODE 39BCT_BOOKLAND_EAN // Bookland EANBCT_COUPON_CODE // Coupon CodeBCT_STANDARD_2OF5 // Standard 2 of 5BCT_CODE_11_TELPEN // Code 11 TelpenBCT_CODE_32 // Code 32BCT_DELTA_CODE // Delta Code