-Supplement_ssi.Supplement_two Esc,0,4,88,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_off,1 onSupplement_five Esc,0,4,89,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_off,1 onSupplement_mh Esc,0,4,8a,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_transmit if present,1 must presentSupplement_ssi Esc,0,4,8b,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 Space been inserted, 1_Space not been insertedDelta_code_set Esc,0,4,8c,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for Delta_c_enable,S1.b1 is forDelta_code_cdc,S1.b2 is for Delta_code_cdsDelta_c_enable Esc,0,4,8d,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_disable,1 enableDelta_code_cdc Esc,0,4,8e,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_check digit calculate,1 not calculateDelta_code_cds Esc,0,4,8f,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0 check digit send,1_not sendGet_version Esc,0,3,90,2,BCC Get firmware version.DumpSetting Esc,Lh,Ll,91,m,S1...Si,BCCLh/Ll is command length. Si is in the range of s1 to S255.m=0is download setting, m=1 is reset the setting area into FF. m=2is upload setting.Actually you just need the format as bellow:Download:Esc,1,02,91,0,s1,...,s255,BCCUpload:Esc,0,3,91,2,BCCEAN128BraceRemove Esc,0,4,92,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0_disable,1 enable(Remove the brace)AimingTime Esc,0,4,93,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0 0.5s,1_1s,2 1.5s 3 2sExchange data Esc,Lh,Ll,a3,S1,S2,....,Sn,BCC• Expect Acknowledge (Esc,80H+ACK(06H))• Exchange the data between the host and the ICC.• Expected return after issuing Execute/Enquiry commandare: Esc,Lh,Ll,0xa3,AH,data,BCCHere: AH=0 Success=1 Timeout=2 No card presentdata: Response data and status wordNote: Hamster save these commands to buffer and do not execute until it receives an Execute command(Esc,ENQ). Hamster execute the command after receive an “Esc,ENQ” then send back a reply. The Max.Length of data is 264. The m and the reply define as following:DATA TO HOST FROM HAMSTERData format: Code_number,Lh,Ll,stringHere: The Lh/Ll is string length, Lh is high byte, Ll is low byte, The string length is excluded theCode_number and Lh/Ll. The string contains the Code ID, pre_amble, scanned data,post_amble, andterminator. Code_number is equal to following number plus H’80.0 Code 39 full ASCII 1 Code 39 standard or EDP Code 2 EAN 13 3 UPC A4 EAN 8 5 UPC E 6 I25 7 Codabar 8 Code 128 9 Code 9310 S25 11 MSI 12 EAN 128 13 Code 32 14 Delta 15 Label16 Plessey 17 Code 11 18 Toshiba 19 reserved 20 Track 1 21 Track 222 Track 3 23 More than 1 track 24 reserved 25 RS232 26 reserved 27 reserved28 reserved 29 reserved 30 reserved 31 reserved 32 reserved 33 reserved