-No meaning for youSentinal Esc,0,4,32,m,S1,BCCNo meaning for youS1 is 0 not send,1 sendTrack_selection Esc,0,4,33,m,S1,BCCNo meaning for youHere S1 is =0_ALL TRACKS,1 TRACK1 AND TRACK2,2TRACK1 AND TRACK3,3 TRACK2 AND TRACK3,4TRACK1,5 TRACK2,6 TRACK3T2_account_only Esc,0,4,34,m,S1,BCCNo meaning for youS1 is 0_NO,1 YESSeparator Esc,0,4,35,m,S1,BCCNo meaning for youS1 is 1 CHARACTERMust_have_data Esc,0,4,36,m,S1,BCCNo meaning for youS1 is 0 YES,1_NOTrack1_sequence Esc,0,L,37,m,S1,…Si,BCCNo meaning for you Si can be 1 to 16 CHARACTERSTrack2_sequence Esc,0,L,38,m,S1,…Si,BCCNo meaning for you Si can be 1 to 8 CHARACTERSCode39_set Esc,0,4,39,m,S1,BCC S1.B0 is for Code39_enable,S1.B1 is forCode39_standard,S1.B3B2 for Code39_cd,S1.B4 Code39_ssCode39_enable Esc,0,4,3a,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 disable,1_enableCode39_sandard Esc,0,4,3b,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_full ASCII,1 standardCode39_cd: Esc,0,4,3c,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 calculate&send,1 calculate¬ send,2_not calculateCode39_ss Esc,0,4,3d,m,S1,BCC Here S1 is 0 SS send,1_SS not sendCode39_min Esc,0,4,3e,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0~48:0 (min<=data len)Code39_max Esc,0,4,3f,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0~48:48 (data len<=max)I2of5_set Esc,0,4,40,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.B0 is for I2of5_enable,S1.B1 is forI2of5_fixlength,S1.B3B2 is for I2of5_cd,S1.B5B4 is forI2of5_ssI2of5_enable Esc,0,4,41,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0 disable,1_enableI2of5_fixlength Esc,0,4,42,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0 on,1_off (record first 3 record len)I2of5_cd Esc,0,4,43,m,S1,BCC S1 is =0 calculate&send,1 calculate¬ send,2_no calculationI2of5_ss Esc,0,4,44,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 first digit suppressed,1 last digit suppressed,2_notsupressedI25_min Esc,0,4,45,m,S1,BCC S1 is 2~64:10 (min<=data len)I25_max Esc,0,4,46,m,S1,BCC S1 is 2~64:64 (data len<=max)S2of5_set Esc,0,4,47,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for S2of5_enable,S1.b1 is forS2of5_fixlength,S1.b3b2 is for S2of5_cdS2of5_enable Esc,0,4,48,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_disable,1 enableS2of5_fixlength Esc,0,4,49,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_on,1 off (record first 3 record len)S2of5_cd Esc,0,4,4a,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 calculate&send,1 calculate¬ send,2_not calculateS25_min Esc,0,4,4b,m,S1,BCC S1 is 1~48:4 (min<=data len)S25_max Esc,0,4,4c,m,S1,BCC S1 is 1~48:48 (data len<=max)Code32_set Esc,0,4,4d,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for Code32_enable,S1.b1 is forCode32_sc,S1.b2 is for Code32_lcCode32_enable Esc,0,4,4e,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_disable,1 enableCode32_sc Esc,0,4,4f,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_leading char send,1 not sendCode32_lc Esc,0,4,50,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_tailing char send,1 not sendTelepen Esc,0,4,51,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for Telepen_enable,S1.b1 is forTelepen_charsetTelepen_enable Esc,0,4,52,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_disable,1 enableTelepen_charset Esc,0,4,53,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0_standard,1 numericEan128 Esc,0,4,54,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for Ean128_id, S1.b1 is for Ean128_idEan128_enable Esc,0,4,55,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 disable,1_enableEan128_id Esc,0,4,56,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 ID disable,1_ID enableEan128_func1 Esc,0,4,57,m,S1,BCC S1 is 1 charCode128 Esc,0,4,58,m,S1,BCC S1 is 0 disable,1_enableCode128_min Esc,0,4,59,m,S1,BCC S1 is 1~64:1 (min<=data len)Code128_max Esc,0,4,5a,m,S1,BCC S1 is 1~64:64 (data len<=max)Msi_pleasey Esc,0,4,5b,m,S1,BCC S1 is S1.b0 is for Msi_p_enable,S1.b1 is for Msi_pleasey_cd,