26 27Assistive listening devices for BTEsListening in public placesYour hearing aid may feature a telecoil to pick upelectromagnetic energy and convert it into sound.Your hearing aid may have a telecoil option thatcan help you listen in public places equippedwith telecoil compatible assistive listeningdevices such as a loop system. When yousee this symbol, it means that there is aloop system installed; this loop system iscompatible with your hearing aid. Please contactyour hearing healthcare professional for moreinformation on loop systems.Connecting to external audio sourcesYour hearing aids may feature anoptional direct audio input (DAI)to connect to other audio sources,such as a stereo or television, usingan FM system or a cable.Ask your hearing healthcare professional forinformation about the direct audio input systemand a connector cord.Cause Possible remedyNo soundNot turned on Turn onLow/dead battery Replace batteryPoor battery contact Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalBattery upside down Insert battery plus (+) sideupEarmolds/slim tubes/domes blocked withear waxClean earmolds/ domes.See “Cleaning yourhearing aids.” Usecleaning pin to dislodgeear wax in slim tubes.Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalPlugged microphoneshieldConsult your hearinghealthcare professionalBTE troubleshooting guide