50 51WarningsWARNING: This device uses a lithium button/coin battery. These batteries are hazardousand can cause severe or fatal injuries in2 hours or less if they are swallowed orplaced inside any part of the body, whetherthe battery is used or new! Keep out of thereach of children, individuals with cognitiveimpairment, or pets. If you suspect that abattery was swallowed or placed inside anypart of the body, immediately consult yourphysician without any delay!These rechargeable hearing aids containlithium-ion batteries that can be taken ontoairplanes as carry-on luggage.Your hearing aids operate in the frequencyrange of 2.4 GHz–2.48 GHz. When flyingplease check if flight operator requiresdevices to be switched into flight mode.Changes or modifications to the hearingaids that are not explicitly approved bythe manufacturer are not permitted. Suchchanges may damage your ear or the hearingaids.Feedback, poor sound quality, too loudor too soft sounds, inadequate fitting orproblems when chewing or swallowing, canbe resolved or improved during the fine-tuning process at the fitting procedure byyour hearing care professional.Any serious incident that has occurred inrelation to the device should be reportedto the manufacturer representative and thecompetent authority of the state of residence.The serious incident is described as anyincident that directly or indirectly led, mighthave led or might lead to any of the following:• the death of a patient, user or other person• the temporary or permanent seriousdeterioration of a patient’s, user’s or otherperson’s state of health• a serious public health threatTo report an unexpected operation orevent, please contact the manufacturer or arepresentative.