64 65Tinnitus maskerTinnitus masker uses broadband noise toprovide temporary relief of tinnitus.Tinnitus masker warningsThe tinnitus masker is a broadband soundgenerator. It provides a means of soundenrichment therapy that can be used aspart of a personalized tinnitus managementprogram to provide temporary relief fromtinnitus.The underlying principle of soundenrichment is to provide supplementarynoise stimulation which can help defocusyour attention from your tinnitus and avoidnegative reactions. Sound enrichment,coupled with instructional counseling, is anestablished approach to managing tinnitus.Air conduction hearing aids with the tinnitusmasker are to be fitted by a hearing careprofessional familiar with the diagnosis andmanagement of tinnitus.Should you develop any side effectswhile using the tinnitus masker, such asheadaches, nausea, dizziness or heartpalpitations or experience a decreasein auditory function such as decreasedloudness tolerance, worsening of tinnitus, orspeech not as clear, you should discontinueuse of the device and seek medicalattention.The volume of the tinnitus masker can beset to a level which could lead to permanenthearing damage when used for a prolongedperiod of time. Should the tinnitus maskerbe set to such a level in your hearing aids,your hearing care professional will adviseyou of the maximum amount of time per dayyou should use the tinnitus masker.The tinnitus masker should never be used atuncomfortable levels.