1514Daily usage of the uTV 2First switch on both devices as described in step 3.Step 5: Wearing your uDirect 2Before any phone, music or TV streaming cantake place, the uDirect 2 must be switched ONand worn correctly as shown below:1. Put the neckloop aroundyour neck (easily done byunplugging one neckloopplug).2. Make sure both plugsare well connected in theneckloop sockets.3. Switch the uDirect 2 ON.After switching uDirect 2 ON, it automaticallyrecognizes your Unitron wireless hearing aids.In cases of interference with other hearing aids,contact your hearing healthcare professional.Step 6: Listening to the TVYou will hear the sound of the TV directly in yourhearing aids.If you cannot hear the sound of your TV throughuTV 2, repeat steps 1 to 5.The uTV 2 supports Bluetooth operation up toa range of 30m (100 ft). Line-of-sight betweenyour uDirect 2 and the uTV 2 is not required.However, interference in the environment bywalls or furniture may reduce the operatingrange.If the uDirect 2 moves out of range of theuTV 2, the wireless audio transmission will beterminated. If the uDirect 2 is then moved backinto range of the uTV 2, it will automaticallyresume streaming to your hearing aids.It may take up to 10 seconds until the streamingresumes. Both streaming light indicators, (g)should be solid blue during streaming.