6vacon • 88 Control KeypadLocal contacts: http://drives.danfoss.com/danfoss-drives/local-contacts/Figure 58. Keypad navigation chart6.3.1 Monitoring menu (M1)You can enter the Monitoring menu from the Main menu by pressing Menu button right when thelocation indication M1 is visible on the first line of the display. Figure 59 shows how to browsethrough the monitored values.The monitored signals carry the indication V#.# and they are listed in Table 32. The values areupdated once every 0.3 seconds.This menu is meant only for signal checking. The values cannot be altered here. For changing valuesof parameters, see Chapter 6.3.2.F T1 T7STOP FAULTI/O te rmSTOPI/O te rmFAULTH1H3READYI/Ote rmT1T7I/O te rmREADYI/O termREADYS1S9STOP R EADYI/O te rmSTOP R EADYI/Ote rmenterG1G5READYI/OtermA:NXOPTA1R EADYI/O te rmG1G1R EADYI/O termV1V15R EADYI/O te rmRU N13.95 HzREADYI/O termRUNG1G9R EADYI/Ote rmP1P15R EADYI/O te rm13.95 HzREADYL oc alP1P3R EADYI/O te rmSTOP R EADYI/O te rmSTOPenterenterF0STOP FAULTI/O te rmParameters Basic parameters Min Frequency11 Output phase Operation days17Fault history 11 Output phase Operation daysSystem Menu LanguageChangevalueBrowseExpander boards ParametersP1P3Monitor Output frequency No editing!Keypad control Control PlaceI/O TerminalChangevalueChangevalueBrowseBrowseActive faults17Englishor:11205.emf