Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677VUW 242 VUW 282Maximum Burner 10.0 mb 10.6 mbPressure (DHW) ( -–+1.0 mb) ( -–+1.0 mb)Maximum Gas 2.79 m3/h 3.26 m3/hRate(98.5 ft3 /h) (115.1 ft3/h)25fig. 35GW 635/0fig. 36GW 636/0fig. 37GW 637/0Table 4: Burner Pressure & Gas Ratetolerance shown, contact VaillantLtd. Technical Department).• Turn off the hot tap.• Remove U gauge. Tighten the sea-ling screw (1, fig. 36)and test forsoundness. Reconnect NTC sensor(3, fig. 37). Refit plastic plug inchamber sensing tube.• Reset the maximum hot watertemperature selector to the requiredsetting (see Section 5.14).• Raise control box and secure inposition using screw (1, fig. 25).At this point the preset maximumdomestic hot water flow rate can beadjusted if required.Note: The water flow limiter builtinto the boiler ensures that themaximum domestic hot water flowrate does not exceed the nominalsetting (equivalent to a hot watertemperature rise of 35°C).Adjustment is only required if the userrequires a higher temperature risethan this setting.Turn the water flow adjusting screw(1, fig. 35) clockwise to decrease theflow from the tap until the temperaturerise is at the desired level. Turn off thehot tap after completion of adjustment.5.7 Gas inlet working pressureCheck the gas inlet working pressureby slackening the sealing screw andattaching a U gauge to the test point(3, fig. 36) on the inlet to the gas valve.Fire the boiler at full rate by openinga hot water tap. Check that the Ugauge is reading 20 mbar.(If the pressure is not 20mbar thisshould be investigated beforecontinuing with the commissioningprocedure. Lower pressures than20mbar are indicative of an incorrectlysized or partially blocked gas supply).Turn off the hot tap. Remove U gauge.Tighten the test point screw and testfor soundness.5.8 Main burner pressureThe burner pressure on this boiler hasbeen factory set and does not requireadjustment. The main burner pressuremay be checked in the following way:• Slacken the sealing screws andattach one arm of a U gauge to theburner test point (1, fig. 37).Remove plastic sealing plug andconnect the other arm to thecombustion chamber sensing tube(2, fig. 37).• Ensure the maximum hot watertemperature control (4, fig. 37) isset to '9'.• Fully open a hot water tap to firethe boiler at full rate.Break the in line connector to theNTC temperature sensor (3, fig.37).• Check that the burner pressure is asshown in Table 4. (If the burnerpressure is not correct within the