12 Split wall-mounted User Manual8 Advice for saving Energy8.1 Suitable room TemperatureSet the room temperature to an appropriate value toguarantee physical wellbeing, comfort and, in any case,to comply with the legal standard. Each degree abovethis value significantly increases the energyconsumption.The temperature must also be suitable for the specificuse being made of the room: the temperature of emptyrooms and bedrooms does not have to be the same asthe main room.8.2 Eliminating Heat or Cold SourcesIn the event that there are any heat (in cooling mode) orcold (in heating mode) sources that could be eliminatedplease do so (e.g. a window or a door which are notproperly closed). This will ensure that the unit consumesless energy.8.3 Operation in Heating Mode (Heat Pump)Your unit, when operating in heating mode, acts as aheat pump, i.e. it takes heat from the outside (via theoutdoor unit) and releases it inside (via the indoor unit)in a fairly short time. Nevertheless, a conventionalheating system produces heat purely by consumingenergy. Therefore, heating a room using a heat pump isfar more economical than using conventional heating(radiators, heaters, boilers, etc.).8.4 Ambient Temperature when absentDuring heating mode, an economic saving is made bykeeping the room temperature at approx. 5ºC lower thanthe normal temperature. A reduction which exceedsthese 5ºC does not provide any further energy savingssince greater heating power is required for consecutiveperiods of operation in normal operating conditions.It is only worth reducing the temperature even further inthe event of prolonged absences, e.g. during holidays.During winter when protection against freezing must beguaranteed.8.5 Uniform HeatingOften in a house only the one room is heated. In additionto the surfaces which form the perimeter of this area,i.e. the walls, doors, windows, ceiling and floor, theadjacent rooms are cooler than the room temperaturetherefore: thermal energy is unintentionally lost. It istherefore difficult to adequately heat the room and anunpleasant feeling of cold is felt (the same occurs whenleaving open doors which separate heated areas andunheated areas in a limited way).This is false economy: the heating is on and,nevertheless, the ambient temperature is not pleasant.Greater comfort and a more reasonable operating modeare achieved by heating all the rooms in a houseuniformly, taking into account the use being made ofeach room (the temperature of empty rooms andbedrooms does not have to be the same as the mainroom, as long as they are not significantly cooler thanthe main room).8.6 Reduction in Consumption during Night Hours(SLEEP Function)Your unit has a SLEEP function which allows thetemperature to be modified automatically in relation tothe predetermined values (in heating mode thetemperature decreases slightly; in cooling mode thetemperature increases slightly) during sleep settingperiod. Thus, apart from greater comfort being providedthere is also a reduction in the electricity consumption.For more details regarding the SLEEP function, pleaseconsult section 7.7.1).8.7 Reduction in Consumption with programmedOperating Time (TIMER Function)By using the TIMER function you can adjust theoperation start time of your unit. Therefore, it is possibleto programme the operation of your unit to make itfunction only when required and thus achieve moreeconomic operation.8.8 Appropriate Maintenance of the UnitA unit in perfect condition operates efficiently, takingmaximum advantage of the energy it consumes. Ensurethat your unit is correctly serviced (for more detailsplease consult section 10). In particular, make sure thatthe filters are kept clean and that the air inlets andoutlets are not obstructed either on the indoor oroutdoor unit. Failure to do so will lead to an increase inenergy consumption.8 Advice on saving Energy