Installation and Servicing ecoTEC plus265 Commissioning (Part I)5 Commissioning (Part I)Please ensure the “Benchmark” commissioning checklist is completed and left with the user.5.1 Preliminaries - all systemsA competent person should carry out commissioning,in accordance with the current issue of BS 6798.Remove the two screws on the inner case then lift thecase upwards off the two top retaining dowels.Drop down the electronics box into the serviceposition.Remove the four screws from the chassis panel.Remove the chassis panel by pulling it out at the topfrom its retaining slots, see fig 5.1.Note!When replacing chassis panel ensure thebottom fits behind lip.Make sure that the system has been thoroughlyflushed out with cold water, prior to filling the systemrefer to section 3.15 inhibitor cleaning.Refill the system with water, making sure that all theair is properly vented from the system and pump.5.1.1 Gas supplyIsolate the boiler from the mains electrical supply.The complete gas installation including the gas metermust be isolated, tested for soundness and purged inaccordance with BS 6891, in IE the current edition ofIS 813.The gas supply to the boiler can be purged byslackening the union connection on the gas servicevalve beneath the boiler, see fig 5.2. Ensure that thereis adequate ventilation, extinguish all naked flamesand do not smoke whilst purging.After purging, the gas service union connection mustbe re tightened and tested for soundness. (The boileritself does not require purging as this will be done bythe automatic burner sequence control).The gas valve is factory set for natural gas (G20) andshould need no adjustment.The supply pressure should be checked when theboiler is firing at full rate. Check the inlet pressure atthe pressure test point on the gas valve shown in fig5.3 the values should be between those shown below.Natural gas:DO NOT proceed with the adjustment orattempt to put the unit into service if the inletworking pressure lies outside the 17-25 mbarrange.LPG:DO NOT proceed with the adjustment orattempt to put the unit into service if the inletworking pressure is lower than 34 mbar.Caution!Before operating the boiler check the typeplate and ensure that the correct gas typeFig. 5.1 Inner case and chassis removalFig. 5.2 Gas service valveRETAININGDOWEL (2 OFF)SCREW(2 OFF)SCREW(4 OFF)INNERCASECHASSISPANELELECTRONICSBOX90°GASSERVICEVALVEUNIONCONNECTIONOFFON