Installation and Servicing ecoTEC plus 71.5 Statutory requirementsThe appliance is suitable only for installation in GB andIE and should be installed in accordance with the rulesin force. In GB the installation of the boiler must becarried out by a competent person as described in thefollowing regulations:The manufacturer’s instructions supplied.The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.The appropriate Buildings Regulations either TheBuilding Regulations, The Building Regulations(Scotland), The Building Regulations (NorthernIreland).The Water Fittings Regulations or Water bye laws inScotland. The Health and Safety at Work Act, Controlof Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).The Current I.E.E. Wiring Regulations.Where no specific instructions are given, referenceshould be made to the relevant British Standard Codeof Practice. In IE, the installation must be carried outby a competent person and installed in accordancewith the current edition of I.S.813 “Domestic GasInstallations”, the current Building Regulations andreference should be made to the current ETCI rules forElectrical Installation.In GB the following Codes of Practice apply:BS4814, BS6798, BS5440 Part 1 and 2, BS5546 Part1, BS5449, BS6891, BS6700, BS7074 Part 1 and 2,BS7593, BS7671.In IE: I.S.813, BS5546, BS 5449, BS 7074, BS 7593.Manufacturer’s instructions must not be taken asoverriding statutory requirements.Note: For further information, see the current issue oftheBuilding Regulations, approved document L1 ( in theUK) and the current issue of the following:1) Central heating system specification (CheSS)2) Controls for domestic central heating system andhot water. BRECSU.CertificationThis boiler certificated to the current issue of EN 483for performance and safety.It is important that no alteration is made to the boiler,without permission, in writing, from Vaillant.Any alteration that is not approved by Vaillant, couldinvalidate the warranty and could also infringe thecurrent issue of the Statutory Requirements.Introduction 11.6 Regulations, rules and guidelines.This boiler meets the requirements of StatutoryInstrument, No. 3083 The Boiler (Efficiency)Regulations, and therefore is deemed to meet therequirements of Directive 92/42/EEC on the efficiencyrequirements for new hot water boilers fired with liquidor gaseous fuels.Type test for purposes of Regulation 5 certified by:Notified body 0087.Product/production certified by: Notified body 0086.1.7 CE markThe CE mark on this appliance shows compliance with:- Directive 90/396/EEC on the approximation of thelaws of the Member States relating to appliancesburning gaseous fuels.- Directive 73/23/EEC on the harmonisation of theLaws of the Member States relating to electricalequipment designed for use within certain voltagelimits.- Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of theLaws of the Member States relating toelectromagnetic compatibility.1.8 BenchmarkVaillant Ltd. support the Benchmark initiative.At the rear of the installation manual, you willfind a Benchmark gas boiler commissioningchecklist. It is very important that this iscompleted correctly at the time of installation,commissioning and hand over to the user.1.9 Gas council numbersAppliance Gas council numbersecoTEC plus 415 41-044-53ecoTEC plus 418 41-044-54ecoTEC plus 428 41-044-55ecoTEC plus 438 41-044-57